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Vendredi le 22 novembre. lundimardimercredijeudivendredi F 1 1. Work back, late work? 2. Postcard explanation-e due Wed. 100%, Thurs.70%, Fri. for 50%

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Presentation on theme: "Vendredi le 22 novembre. lundimardimercredijeudivendredi F 1 1. Work back, late work? 2. Postcard explanation-e due Wed. 100%, Thurs.70%, Fri. for 50%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vendredi le 22 novembre

2 lundimardimercredijeudivendredi F 1 1. Work back, late work? 2. Postcard explanation-e due Wed. 100%, Thurs.70%, Fri. for 50% 3. Write up rough draft 4. Practice café skit!!!! F 1 Work on postcard in class Practice skit F 1 Café skit oral grade Postcard for 100 F 1 Café skit oral grade Get borrowed words “C”- due Wed. 12/4 & Bor. Words B sentences Postcard for 70 F 1 Post card for 50 Movie: Finish Ratatouille NO MOVIE: Book work F 2 R 1.Collect bonus clothes 2.Work on clothing LMS 3.Papers back 4.Issues with Prezi? F 2 R 1.Due: Clothes LMS work 2.Notes: 102, 104 F 2 R Fashion show! Daily oral grade-say 2 things! Notes:106, 112, 115 F 2 R 1.Notes:106, 112, 115, 112 due for 100 2.See FFF project-pick people 3.See Sam episode 3/start presentations F 2 R Notes due for 50 Movie; Le petit Nicolas or Tintin NO MOVIE: WORKSHEET on VERBS F 2 PreAP 1.Collect bonus clothes 2.Work on clothing LMS 3.Papers back 4.Issues with Prezi F 2 PreAP 1.Due: Clothes LMS work 2.Notes: 102, 104 F 2 PreAP Fashion show! Daily oral grade-say 3 things Notes:106, 112, 115, F 2 PreAP 1.Notes:106, 112, 115, 112 2.See FFF project & pick 3. See Sam episode 3/start presentations 4. Borrowed words “I”definitions due 12/4 F 2 PreAP Notes due for 50 Choose 5 Famous Frenchmen F 3 1.Choose artist 2.Oral: Ma routine 3.Papers back F 3 Notes: unit 2 words (74,75,77,.84) Past tense practice F 3 Notes: 90, 91, 112 Past tense practice F 3 Notes: 124, 125, 126 Begin translations of art page: 60 in pairs H/W: Finish F 3 Translations pg. 61-62 Due Monday as a daily grade. Late notes for 50% Nov. 18 th -22 nd 2013 (4 th week of 6 weeks)

3 F 3 DUE: Notes: 124, 125, 126-put notebook on desk under screen for 100% and late notes, (or a blank page saying it’s not done) IN CLASS, DO: 1.Art translations Pg. 60, then do 61-62 with partner. Dictionaries only, no tablets. Turn in whatever you have done for a grade…100% of page 60 and 100% of 61-62= two 100’s! Now that you see the assignment, log off and shut down tablets! No tablets out or on! No passes until end of class! Get late work in please! BONNES VACANCES!

4 F 2PreAP Late notes:DUE: Notes 102, 104 & Notes 106, 112, 115-50% 1.Handout: Borrowed words “I” due 12/4 2.Choose your Famous Frenchmen! Due 12/9 3.Play French games online: go to my old website on the KCHS page, find the link on the left that says FUN & GAMES and play ONLY FRENCH Games! BONNES VACANCES!

5 F 2 R Due: LATE NOTES- Notes 102, 104 & Notes 106, 112, 115-50% 1.Your 5 Famous Frenchmen list is online. (If you make changes or additions, you need to email me unless you can wait until we get back. As I get updates, I’ll update the list every other day. Please note that RED names are period 4 and green are period 7. Due 12/9) 2.See movie: Le Petit Nicolas (A), Tintin(B) today!(No tablets out or on! No passes until end of class. No talking please! Talking? 3 strikes and you get worksheets!!!) Bonnes vacances!

6 F 1 1.DUE: Postcards for 50% 2.See: Rest of Ratatouille. No tablets out or on! No passes until end of class. No talking please! REMEMBER: 1. Oral grade: O Canada is 12/3 & 12/4 2. Tour de France project due 12/9 3.Borrowed words “B” sentences due Wed. 12/4 4.Borrowed word “C” definitions due Wed. 12/11 & quiz that day on “B” words 5. Test unit 3A is 12/13 BONNES VACANCES!

7 Lundi le 2Mardi le 3Mercredi le 4Jeudi le 5Vendredi le 6 F 1 Review of unit 3 words Oral practice in text and with song H/W: APT F 1 O Canada oral grade APT due for 100% F 1 Finish O Canada song Quiz borr.words B APT due for 50% Bor. Words “B” sentences due. “C” defs are 12/11 F 1 Bor. Words “C for 70 Review of ER verbs Teach subjects 78-82 orally Study! F 1 Bor. Words “C” for 50 QUIZ unit 3 part 1 Work on Tour de France project-due 12/9 Test is 12/13 F 2 R Speaking pkt Vocabulary review APT F 2 R Speaking packet Vocabulary Review APT F2 Speaking pkt practice F 2 Quiz prep F 2 QUIZ Due Monday: project 5 famous Frenchmen Test: next Fri. then oral grade F 2 PreAP Speaking pkt Vocabulary review APT F 2 PreAP Speaking packet Vocabulary review APT F 2 PreAP Borr. Words sentences Speaking pkt practice F 2 Quiz prep F 2 QUIZ Due Monday: project 5 famous Frenchmen Test: Next Fri., then oral F 3 Review speaking pkt Translate: 63-64 No early projects F 3 Review speaking pkt Translate 65 Project: ART due F 3 Speaking pkt oral grade* Project for 90 F 3 Speaking pkt oral grade* Translate 69 Project for 80 F 3 QUIZ: ART Project for 70 Test on unit 2,3 words and past tenses next Fri. 12/13 After Turkey break-TBA plans for Dec. 2-6

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