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Web Conference: Highways for LIFE September 27, 2005 Speaking: Byron Lord.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Conference: Highways for LIFE September 27, 2005 Speaking: Byron Lord."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Conference: Highways for LIFE September 27, 2005 Speaking: Byron Lord

2 Agenda Agenda 1.What is Highways for LIFE? 2.What’s in the new law? 3.What’s our implementation approach? 4.Your questions and comments

3 Participant Locations Puerto Rico

4 Agenda Agenda 1.What is Highways for LIFE? 2.What’s in the new law? 3.What’s our implementation approach? 4.Your questions and comments

5 Agenda Agenda What is Highways for LIFE? What is Highways for LIFE? Identifying great, but underutilized innovations and technologies  Getting people to use them…NOW. 

6 What is Highways for L.I.F.E? What is Highways for L.I.F.E? Long lasting highways using Innovative technologies and practices to accomplish Fast construction of Efficient and safe pavements and bridges. Long lasting highways using Information technologies and practices to accomplish Funded construction of Efficient and safe pavements and bridges.

7 “Highways for LIFE” “Highways for LIFE” L ong lasting highways using I nnovative technologies and practices to I nnovative technologies and practices to accomplish accomplish F ast construction of F ast construction of E fficient and safe pavements and E fficient and safe pavements and bridges. bridges.

8 Agenda Agenda 1.What is Highways for LIFE? 2.What’s in the new law? 3.What’s our implementation approach? 4.Your questions and comments

9 SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users Section 1101 - Funding Section 1502 - Description

10 SAFETEA-LU Sections 1101 and 1502 1.Projects 2.Technology Partnerships 3.Technology Transfer 4.Information Dissemination 5.Stakeholder Input and Involvement 6.Monitoring and Evaluation

11 SAFETEA-LU Sections 1101 and 1502 1.Projects 2.Technology Partnerships 3.Technology Transfer 4.Information Dissemination 5.Stakeholder Input and Involvement 6.Monitoring and Evaluation $15 M in 2006, $20 M in 2007-09 $15 M in 2006, $20 M in 2007-09

12 Highways for LIFE SAFETEA-LU Projects Federal-aid highways

13 Highways for LIFE SAFETEA-LU Projects Federal-aid highways Projects Federal-aid highways Max of $5M/project, 20% &/or waive State match Max of 15 projects/year Goal of 1 project per State Projects Federal-aid highways Max of $5M/project, 20% &/or waive State match Max of 15 projects/year

14 Highways for LIFE SAFETEA-LU Projects Federal-aid highways Projects Federal-aid highways Max of $5M/project, 20% &/or waive State match Max of 15 projects/year Goal of 1 project per State Projects Federal-aid highways Max of $5M/project, 20% &/or waive State match Max of 15 projects/year Goal of 1 project per State

15 Highways for LIFE SAFETEA-LU Projects Federal-aid highways Projects Federal-aid highways Max of $5M/project, 20% &/or waive State match Max of 15 projects/year Goal of 1 project per State Projects Federal-aid highways Max of $5M/project, 20% &/or waive State match Max of 15 projects/year Goal of 1 project per State Projects Federal-aid highways Max of $5M/project, 20% &/or waive State match. Max of 15 projects/year Goal of 1 project per State States to submit application Improve safety, reduce construction congestion and improve quality

16 Highways for LIFE SAFETEA-LU Projects Federal-aid highways Projects Federal-aid highways Max of $5M/project, 20% &/or waive State match Max of 15 projects/year Goal of 1 project per State Projects Federal-aid highways Max of $5M/project, 20% &/or waive State match Max of 15 projects/year Projects Federal-aid highways Max of $5M/project, 20% &/or waive State match. Max of 15 projects/year Goal of 1 project per State States to submit application Improve safety, reduce construction congestion and improve quality Projects Federal-aid highways Max of $5M/project 20% &/or waive State match Max of 15 projects/year Goal of 1 project per State States to submit application Improve safety, reduce construction congestion and improve quality Innovations and performance standards

17 Highways for LIFE SAFETEA-LU Technology Partnerships Development, improvement and creation of innovationsDevelopment, improvement and creation of innovations Improve safety, accelerate construction, Improve safety, accelerate construction, improve quality improve quality Incentive funding, max of 80% Incentive funding, max of 80%

18 Highways for LIFE SAFETEA-LU Stakeholder Input and Involvement Establish a process to Inform and InvolveEstablish a process to Inform and Involve States, industry, highway users, publicStates, industry, highway users, public

19 Highways for LIFE SAFETEA-LU Stakeholder Input and Involvement Establish a process to Inform and InvolveEstablish a process to Inform and Involve States, industry, highway users, publicStates, industry, highway users, public Monitoring and Evaluation Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of any activity

20 Which of the phrases below represents the biggest chan...  [Live Meeting Multiple Choice Poll. Use Live Meeting > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.]  Text 1  Text 2  Text 3  Text 4

21 Agenda Agenda 1.What is Highways for LIFE? 2.What’s in the new law? 3.What’s our implementation approach? 4.Your questions and comments

22 Highways for LIFE Implementation Stakeholder Input and Involvement States, Industry, Highway Users Inform and InvolveInform and Involve Help determine “How”Help determine “How” Support in the implementationSupport in the implementation Build ProjectsBuild Projects Form partnershipsForm partnerships Sustain the changeSustain the change

23 Projects Target: 15 projects/year + ??Target: 15 projects/year + ?? ~ $500,000 to $1M+/project~ $500,000 to $1M+/project Set Performance Goals forSet Performance Goals for Safety Construction Congestion Construction Congestion Quality Quality Mix of innovations to meet all Performance GoalsMix of innovations to meet all Performance Goals Highways for LIFE Implementation

24 Project Performance Goals Highways for LIFE Implementation Project Performance Goals Focused on the highway userFocused on the highway user Set at a high levelSet at a high level What not HowWhat not How Definition, metric and measureDefinition, metric and measure Questions:Questions: Same for all roads? Same for all roads? Same for all States? Same for all States? Same for all existing condition? Same for all existing condition? Project Performance Goals Focused on the highway userFocused on the highway user Set at a high levelSet at a high level What not HowWhat not How Definition, metric and measureDefinition, metric and measure Project Performance Goals Focused on the highway userFocused on the highway user Set at a high levelSet at a high level Project Performance Goals Focused on the highway userFocused on the highway user

25 Technology Partnerships Innovation has proven success Innovation has proven success Highway industry, other industries or Internationally Adapt for routine highway use Adapt for routine highway use Industry inputIndustry input Highways for LIFE Implementation

26 Technology Partnerships Innovation has proven success Innovation has proven success Highway industry, other industries or Internationally Adapt for routine highway use Adapt for routine highway use Industry input Industry input Start in FY 2007 Start in FY 2007 Highways for LIFE Implementation

27 Technology Transfer Highways for LIFE Implementation

28 Technology Transfer 1.Market innovations to highway practitioners and managers 2.Introduce and deliver innovations 3.Training and technical assistance Highways for LIFE Implementation

29 Technology Transfer Highways for LIFE Implementation

30 Technology Transfer Road Safety Audits Safety: Road Safety Audits Making Work Zones WorkBetter Congestion: Making Work Zones Work Better Prefabricated Bridge Elements & Systems Quality: Prefabricated Bridge Elements & Systems Highways for LIFE Implementation

31 Technology Transfer Road Safety Audits Safety: Road Safety Audits Making Work Zones WorkBetter Congestion: Making Work Zones Work Better Prefabricated Bridge Elements & Systems Quality: Prefabricated Bridge Elements & Systems Innovation workshops HfL: Innovation workshops Highways for LIFE Implementation

32 Information Dissemination States, Industry, Public, FHWAStates, Industry, Public, FHWA Highways for LIFEHighways for LIFE Program Projects Projects Success stories Success stories Innovations Innovations Highways for LIFE Implementation

33 Monitoring and Evaluation Gathers information on all program elementsGathers information on all program elements Improve performanceImprove performance Document results and benefitsDocument results and benefits Explain the investmentExplain the investment Highways for LIFE Implementation

34 Projects * ~ 60 % Technology Transfer * ~ 30 % Technology Partnerships * ~ 5 % Information Dissemination * Stakeholder Input & Involvement ~ 5 % * Including monitoring and evaluation Highways for LIFE Implementation

35 Agenda Agenda 1.What is Highways for LIFE? 2.What’s in the new law? 3.What’s our implementation approach? 4.Your questions and comments If you would like to ask the Facilitator a question, please select PURPLE on your Seating Chart.

36 Let Us Hear From You Let Us Hear From You Visit the NEW Community of Practice Web Site and Participate in the online Discussion

37  [Live Meeting Web Page. Use Live Meeting > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.]

38 Join the Community!

39 Next Steps External Stakeholders on Oct 4 thExternal Stakeholders on Oct 4 th Federal Register Notice on implementation planFederal Register Notice on implementation plan

40 Everyone has a Role in Highways for LIFE

41 Highways for LIFE Highways for LIFE

42 Contact the HfL Team! Contact the HfL Team! If you have a question or comment that you want to send personally to the Highways for LIFE team, you may send it to If you have a question or comment that you want to send personally to the Highways for LIFE team, you may send it to Thank you!

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