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West Valley College Division Council Committee and Performance Goals Committee Retreat Wednesday, August 22, 2012 1-4pm Baltic Room, Campus Center.

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Presentation on theme: "West Valley College Division Council Committee and Performance Goals Committee Retreat Wednesday, August 22, 2012 1-4pm Baltic Room, Campus Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 West Valley College Division Council Committee and Performance Goals Committee Retreat Wednesday, August 22, 2012 1-4pm Baltic Room, Campus Center

2 Welcome Back, Everyone! Introduction and … Review of the Agenda Blessing May 23, 2012 meeting notes

3 Retreat Focus: Preparing for a Historically Challenging Year: 1.Updates: a)2011-2012- FTES goal b)Current and 2012-2013 State Budget Forecast c)Our plan for 2012-2013, Schedule development for Spring 2013 d)Most recent Title 5 changes and SSTF recommendations 2.Developing guidelines for spring 2013 schedule development and beyond

4 Retreat Outcomes: 1.Understand 2012-2013 FTES goal 2.Realize the challenges (and reality) we have for 2012-2013 based on the state fiscal condition 3.Accept the urgent timeline and decision making needed for spring 2013 schedule development 4.Understand the new direction that the California Community College is heading (SSTF, CCC course offering priorities, etc.)

5 Retreat Outcomes: 5.Develop common “guidelines” for identifying “core”, “elective”, and “stand alone” courses You are the decision maker! Important role and responsibility for DCC and PGC

6 2011-12 FTES Data access challenge In process of reconcile actuals on P3 and cognos data 2011-12 PGC Planning to Actuals (for now): Summer 2011 carry over to 11-12: 111.24 Fall 2011: 4,010.3(3,860.3/CR + 150/NC) Winter 2011: 151.47 Spring 2012: 3,803.6 (3,653.6/CR + 154.07/NC) Summer 2012 carry over to 11-12: 613.17 (P3) Total: 8,693.85/8,950.88 (P3) vs. goal = 8,961 funded

7 2012-13 State Budget Forecast November 2012 tax extension passing: $50M restoration across 112 colleges Not passing: $338M (or 7.3%) reduction across 112 colleges

8 2012-13 What does this meant to us? (Handouts) Be prepared for 2 scenarios and be ready for both scenarios Pass:8,825.05 FTES (8,425.05/CR, 400/NC) No pass: 8,198.26 (7,798.26/CR, 400/NC) Potential reduction of 627 FTES = roughly 179 section reduction primarily in spring 2013

9 Community College Direction GE/Transfer, CTE, and Basic Skills Recent Title 5 changes SSTF recommendations become our reality

10 Planning for Schedule development 2013 12-13 FTES goal (2 scenarios) Schedule development timeline Tools for guidelines (Exercise)

11 Schedule development & Guidelines First stage of analysis (starting today) Process and use of data Outcome we want out of this exercise


13 Next step: stage 2 analysis Analysis of course offerings Working with Departments Bring back department priorities PGC/DCC review and cross referencing Priority making: Core, electives, Consensus by late September

14 Parking lot items?

15 Great work! Thank you

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