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How did I study? Did you: 1.Reread the book 2.Reread q notes—maybe take more 3.Use the learning objectives on the calendar 4.Use the Internet 5.Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "How did I study? Did you: 1.Reread the book 2.Reread q notes—maybe take more 3.Use the learning objectives on the calendar 4.Use the Internet 5.Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 How did I study? Did you: 1.Reread the book 2.Reread q notes—maybe take more 3.Use the learning objectives on the calendar 4.Use the Internet 5.Practice writing out concepts—blank paper technique

2 Food Webs Trophic levels using numbers Labeling with key terms: producer or autotroph, decomposer, first level consumer or herbivore, etc. Arrow points to the organism doing the eating Arrows represent a transfer of chemical energy and matter Energy flows and matter cycles

3 Cycles Carbon: Photosynthesis, Cell Respiration, Burning, Feeding Nitrogen: Nitrogen fixation, feeding, uptake by plants, decomposition, denitrification Be able to sketch the cycles from scratch and label!

4 Population Dynamics Exponential vs. Logistic growth models Rate of change = change in #/change in time Density = #s/area Carrying capacity and limiting factors Immigration, emigration, birth and death rates

5 Community Ecology Predator- prey graphs—remember they do not cross Competition—species are attempting to use the same resource in the same place and time Predation—capture and feed on another Symbiosis (two species live closely together): mutualism (flower and insect pollinators), commensalism, parasitism

6 Energy Pyramid Look at the picture in your text on page 72 of the Energy Pyramid. Be able to explain how much energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next and what happens to the rest Good Luck!!

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