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Assertive Mentoring The Reginald Mitchell Primary School In association with.

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Presentation on theme: "Assertive Mentoring The Reginald Mitchell Primary School In association with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assertive Mentoring The Reginald Mitchell Primary School In association with

2 Today’s aims to explain what Assertive Mentoring is to see how it will work in our school to see how it will benefit you and your child

3 Assertive Mentoring places the child at the centre of learning and raises achievement for ALL Today’s hypothesis

4 What is Assertive Mentoring? “Assertive Mentoring is a focussed, child centred, collaborative approach based on a dialogue about the child’s present and future learning needs.” (G. Downey SIP 2008)

5 Assertive Mentoring “The Assertive Mentoring system is outstanding. It can have a significant impact upon the motivation and progress of pupils.” (G. Downey, SIP 2008)

6 Aims of Assertive Mentoring To raise standards for all To motivate and involve children To inform and involve parents

7 Learners learn best when they: Understand what they are trying to learn Are given feedback about their work Are shown how to make it better Are fully involved in the process

8 Why Assertive Mentoring? Ensure the steady progress of each child during their time at school. Keep parents regularly informed of their child’s on going progress. Provides a consistent framework for the Assessment of each child. Allows the school to identify when progress may be stalling. Involve the parents in supporting their child’s progress. Provides a complete record of child’s progress throughout their school journey.

9 Assessment for Learning ‘... is the single most powerful tool we have for both raising standards and empowering lifelong learners.’ (Assessment Reform Group)

10 Assertive Mentoring Model The Child TTIC Targets Tracking Intervention Checking

11 It incorporates and facilitates: Assessment: Where are the children? Tracking: How are they progressing? Target Setting: What do they need next? Support: What help is needed?

12 Target Setting Not just about: Paper Points Percentages But also: People Potential Progress Practicalities

13 Where to start Old age-related expectations National Curriculum Levels Level 1C,1B, 1A, 2C, 2B, 2A, 3C, 3B, 3A, 4C, 4B, 4A, 5C, 5B, 5A, 6C YearY2Y3Y4Y5Y6 NC Level2B2A/3C3B3A/4C4B

14 New age-related expectations – increase in expectations. APSNCExY1Y2Y3Y4Y5Y6 1WC N 2 3WB 4 St 0 E 5WA R St 0 D 6 St 0 S 71CSt 0 S 8 St 1 R 91B Y1 St 1 E 10 St 1 D 111ASt 1 S 12 *St 2 RSt 2 R 132C Y2 *St 2 RSt 2 R 14 St 2 E 152BSt 2 D 16 St 2 S*St 2 SSt 2 S 172A Y3 St 2 S*St 2 SSt 2 S 18 St 3 R 193CSt 3 E 20 Y4 St 3 D *St 3 DSt 3 D 213BSt 3 D *St 3 DSt 3 D 22 St 3 S 233A Y5 St 4 R *St 4 RSt 4 R 24 St 4 E *St 4 ESt 4 E 254CSt 4 D 26 Y6 St 4 S *St 4 SSt 4 S 274BSt 4 S *St 4 SSt 4 S 28 St 5 R 294A St 5 E 30 St 5 D *St 5 D 315C St 5 D *St 5 D 32 St 5 S 335B St 6 R 34 St 6 E 355A St 6 D Key: APS = Average Point Score NC = Old National Curriculum Level Ex = Old age related expectations * = Suggested target for new progress measure/age related expectations Green: Exceeding expectations (HA) White: On track/Expected (SA) Yellow: Just below expectations/Emerging (PA) Red: Below expectations (LA) E = Emerging D = Developing S = Securing R = Next stage ready

15 Tracking progress Reading Attainment: Year 1AP1/BLAP2AP3AP4AP5AP6 EOY Target Stage 1 ready or below (8 APS & below) St 1 emerging to St 1 secure (9-11 APS) St 2 - ready (12-13 APS) St 2 emerging + (14 APS and above) Writing Attainment: Year 1AP1/BLAP2AP3AP4AP5AP6 EOY Target Stage 1 ready or below (8 APS & below) St 1 emerging to St 1 secure (9-11 APS) St 2 - ready (12-13 APS) St 2 emerging + (14 APS and above) Mathematics Attainment: Year 1AP1/BLAP2AP3AP4AP5AP6 EOY Target Stage 1 ready or below (8 APS & below) St 1 emerging to St 1 secure (9-11 APS) St 2 - ready (12-13 APS) St 2 emerging + (14 APS and above) NB: End of year target based on accelerated progress - 5 APS per academic year

16 Long Term Targets: End of Key Stage End of year Reading, Writing Maths

17 Medium Term Targets: End of term End of half term Attainment Achievement

18 Assessment Success depends on assessment which is: Consistent Accurate Simple to gather Simple to record Universally understood

19 Consistency Means maximum effect and efficiency

20 Where next? Assertive Mentoring: Proposed start Proposed pupils Proposed focus

21 Targets The Child TargetsTIC Set for all children with value added

22 Assessment The Child TTrackIC Accurate and consistent For pupil tracking and target setting

23 Pupil support The Child TTInterveneC Early intervention ‘Keep up’ not ‘Catch up’

24 Staff benefits Know where children are Informed planning Focussed teaching Relevant intervention Accelerated learning Targets met Success

25 Benefits for children Focussed teaching Know here they are Relevant intervention Personalised learning Motivation Targets met Success

26 Parent’s role: Know your child’s targets Support them in achieving them Support the school Attend Parent Consultations/ meetings with teacher

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