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1 Summit Borrowing Loaning more than books … Nancy Nathanson, Systems Manager (541) 346-1860.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Summit Borrowing Loaning more than books … Nancy Nathanson, Systems Manager (541) 346-1860."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Summit Borrowing Loaning more than books … Nancy Nathanson, Systems Manager (541) 346-1860

2 2 Should we do this? 1.Your patrons will be requesting items from other members (so you’ll need to know how it works) 2.It doesn’t have to be gone for a month 3.Lots of others are doing it 4.Shipping boxes help protect the item

3 3 Will it be okay? What are others lending? 1.Bound volumes of serials 2.Large formats, maps, kits 3.Videotapes 4.Audio cassette tapes 5.Compact discs 6.other stuff …

4 4 How to send it? Shipping boxes and envelopes help protect the item Re-useable boxes and envelopes. Save and use to return the item to owning site

5 5 How to process it? Where to put the bookband or label Videos and other nonbook media: “wrap bookband around the case or jacket in such a way that the item can be removed for viewing, listening, etc”

6 6 Options 1.What to loan defined by IType code 2.For how long regular loan period (3 weeks) vs. short loan period (3 days)

7 7 Options: what to loan defined by IType code 000Reserve 001Books 002Serials 003AV (videos & films) 004Sound rec’s (CD’s, LP’s, cassettes) 031Videos, circ 041CD’s, circ mandatory 003 & 004 cover more than what you want to loan?

8 8 Options: for how long regular loan period vs. short loan period 000non-circReserve 001regularBooks 002regularSerials 003non-circAV (videos & films non-circ) 004non-circSound recordings (LP’s, cassettes) 005regularGov Docs 006non-circReserves 031?Videos, circ 041?CD’s your choice mandatory

9 9 Options: for how long regular loan short loan in transit to borrowing site22 hold shelf72 patron loan period213 in transit back to owning site22 total (Institution loan period)329 including weekend?

10 10 See what others are already loaning itypes.html

11 11 “Sharing Materials”

12 12

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