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Accessibility on the Horizon: The NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition Melissa Green

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Presentation on theme: "Accessibility on the Horizon: The NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition Melissa Green"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accessibility on the Horizon: The NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition Melissa Green #AHG15

2 NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition #AHG15

3 Trends, challenges, and technologies for higher ed

4 Guiding questions Does the technology have the potential to enhance accessibility and learning for students with disabilities? If so, how? Does the technology have the potential to diminish accessibility and learning for students with disabilities? If so, how? #AHG15

5 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) NEAR-TERM 1 year or less #AHG15

6 Video: BYOD Bring Your Own Device (1:48) by Mike Warner Original on YouTube: Captioned on Amara: k9dOBKXmWI/info/ k9dOBKXmWI/info/ #AHG15

7 BYOD in higher education #AHG15

8 BYOD’s potential to enhance #AHG15

9 BYOD’s potential to diminish #AHG15

10 Flipped classroom NEAR-TERM 1 year or less #AHG15

11 Video: Flipped classroom What is a flipped classroom? (in 60 seconds) (1:14) by Julie Schell Original on YouTube: Captioned on Amara: 9lwFe18He2P/info/ 9lwFe18He2P/info/ #AHG15

12 Flipped classroom’s potential to enhance #AHG15

13 Flipped classroom’s potential to diminish #AHG15

14 Makerspaces MID-TERM 2-3 years #AHG15

15 Scenario

16 #NCSUMakes

17 Makerspaces’ potential to enhance #AHG15

18 Makerspaces’ potential to diminish #AHG15

19 Wearable Technology MID-TERM 2-3 years #AHG15

20 Google Glass

21 Wearables in higher education Broadcasting and recording student training activities Providing personalized feedback Fieldwork #AHG15

22 Wearables’ potential to enhance #AHG15

23 Wearables’ potential to diminish #AHG15

24 Adaptive Learning Technologies FAR-TERM 4-5 years #AHG15

25 Video: Adaptive learning technologies Learning Math on Khan Academy (1:50) by Khan Academy Education Team Original on YouTube: Captioned on Amara: 09QM50XYm37/info/ 09QM50XYm37/info/ #AHG15

26 Adaptive learning tech’s potential to enhance #AHG15

27 Adaptive learning tech’s potential to diminish #AHG15

28 The Internet of Things (IoT) FAR-TERM 4-5 years #AHG15

29 IoT example: beacons

30 Beacons in higher ed: library examples Libraries Connect patrons to exhibit information Provide targeted notifications about events and services based on location in the library Suggest relevant electronic resources as patrons browse the stacks Share instructions for technology as patrons approach devices #AHG15

31 Beacons in higher ed: off-campus examples Off-campus Historical locations Urban environments Plant markers #AHG15

32 IoT’s potential to enhance #AHG15

33 IoT’s potential to diminish #AHG15

34 Keep in touch Melissa Green Twitter: @mbfortson Email: Presentation materials on the conference website and at #AHG15

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