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. The EECC library has many things that are found in all libraries. Knowing these features will help you find the books you want. In any library, if you.

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Presentation on theme: ". The EECC library has many things that are found in all libraries. Knowing these features will help you find the books you want. In any library, if you."— Presentation transcript:


2 . The EECC library has many things that are found in all libraries. Knowing these features will help you find the books you want. In any library, if you need help, you should ask, include the words, “Please” and “thank you.”

3 Dewey Decimal System

4 CALL NUMBERS The call number is a label always located on the books’ spine. It tells us where the book "lives" on the library shelves.

5 What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction books? Fiction is a made-up story ; nonfiction is a book containing true information. FICTION NONFICTION

6 FICTION Fiction Books are listed in alphabetical order using the author’s last name.

7 Non fiction Non fiction uses the Dewey Decimal Number as well as the Author’s last name on the spine label.


9 Fairy Tales The call number is 398.

10 Biography Biography, the true story of someone’s life, has a “B’ as the call number and then is alphabetized by the person’s last name.

11 In our library, the biographies, has a sticker of a face on the spine. Biographies are found at the end of the red couch.

12 Look at the spine label. Are these fiction or non fiction? What letter do these authors last name start with?

13 Write the title of a book on shelf 550 nonfiction


15 Write the title and call number of a book on the A shelf; look for the letterA


17 Type the word football in the catalog and write the title and call number.


19 Write the title of a book in the biography section; behind the red couch



22 Write the call number for a nonfiction animal book. 590 Animals & Insects 591 592Worms, Invertebrates 593Corals, Sea Invertebrates 594Seashells, Snails, Octopus 595Insects, Spiders 596 597Fish, Frogs, Toads, Reptiles, Amphibians, Snakes 598Birds 599Mammals of the Land and Ocean, Whales


24 What is the call number for fairy tale books?

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