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The education experience of Gypsy/Travellers Maureen Finn, STEP.

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Presentation on theme: "The education experience of Gypsy/Travellers Maureen Finn, STEP."— Presentation transcript:

1 The education experience of Gypsy/Travellers Maureen Finn, STEP

2 How is education experienced? The data The educator The Gypsy/Traveller

3 Cultural dilution Interferes with traditional work patterns Not enough time to keep in touch No family history of attendance Curriculum not relevant- don’t understand its value Bullying and discrimination Safety Not welcome in school Poverty-related Issues Bureaucracy No role models

4 Schooling has never been seen as having an educative function, but simply as offering a possibility – which one may exploit or not…of mastering a code used by non-Gypsies: writing. Liegeois, 1998

5 More competition for traditional jobs The theory test Digital potential in Business Good relations with teachers Recognition of ethnicity Pupil motivation

6 What are we doing? ‘…aim of inclusion is for all learners to be present in mainstream school and of maximising their participation in the life of the school when present. I am not convinced that presence and participation are, of themselves, enough to address the deep structural inequalities, which many children experience.’ A. Dyson in Clough and Corbett, 2000

7 But why don’t you want to come in? We’re inclusive…we’ll teach you to be like us!


9 ‘Education offers the promise of freedom – three freedoms “from” and five freedoms “to”. These are: freedom from ignorance; freedom from economic want; freedom from political, social and economic manipulation. The others are the freedom to develop intellectual and practical capacities; to put talents and capacities to the service of society; to exercise critical and informed judgements; to develop understanding and personal integrity; to respect fellow humans and associates in a community of equals.....’

10 GovernmentExam boardSchoolTeacherCurriculum Mobile learner International competition Business and industry Policy National targets

11 GovernmentExam boardSchoolTeacherCurriculum Mobile learner

12 Moble learner Teacher Flexible curriculum Family Culture Digital media Community support

13 Recognition or inclusion


15 What does digital media offer?

16 Creative, culturally relevant, skills-based

17 Key issues Supporting young people and families between two worlds. Tension between policy and accountability (input/output)? Recognition of the new professional dilemas- working with uncertainty? Harnessing digital media as creative pedagogy?

18 To know more about the work of STEP, get links to our new website materials and receive information feeds contact: @mobileandlearn

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