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Nairobi, Kenya

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1 Nairobi, Kenya

2 Kenya: VERY diverse

3 Challenge: Urban sprawl

4 Challenge: Urban sprawl It threatens wildlife habitat. It takes farmland.

5 1976 2005 Challenge: Urban sprawl It threatens wildlife habitat. It takes farmland.

6 Another tough challenge: Totally unstable neighbor - Somalia

7  22-year constant civil war (since 1991), no central government Totally unstable neighbor - Somalia  highest infant death rate in the world (23% dead before 5 years old)  unsafe drinking water for 70% of people  only 10% of kids in school Statistics source: UNICEF,  piracy is a major source of income AnRjf4FUN68/T0ZeJKpE9gI/AAAAAAAABoc/Uem8QP9l4MY/s1600/Somalia%2BPiracy.gif

8 To help limit Somalia’s violence, the African Union has troops in Somalia. Kenya’s military helps with this AU effort. Some Somalia “warlords” REALLY don’t like this! Union-peacekeepers-in-Somalia-for-another-year_NGArticleFull.jpg

9 One result: Somalia radicals attacked Nairobi’s Westgate Mall (Sept. 21, 2013), demanding Kenya withdraw from African Union efforts in Somalia.

10 Three days later: at least 68 killed, 175 wounded 21T160159Z_1665159437_GM1E99L1U6B01_RTRMADP_3_KENYA-ATTACK.JPG “…all that separates Kenya from Somalia, the promising and the broken, is a thin line in the desert that usually goes unpatrolled.” - Jeffrey Gettleman, 27 September 2013, Nairobi

11 Challenge: lack of education 1960: only 20% of adults in Kenya could read. 2011: 87% of Kenyan adults can read. Solution:  free public schools

12 Challenge: poverty 1960: $98 per capita Gross Domestic Product Solutions:  set up national parks to attract tourists  develop secondary level of economy

13 Challenge: poverty 1960: $98 per capita Gross Domestic Product 2011: $820 per capita Gross Domestic Product. Solutions:  set up national parks to attract tourists  develop secondary level of economy

14 Challenge: unable to join high-tech economy Solutions:  fast & cheap internet (2008)  pushing high-tech education at Kenyan universities  Encouraging overseas study (& for them to come back to work in Kenya)

15 Challenge: unable to join high-tech economy Solutions:  fast & cheap internet (2008)  pushing high-tech education at Kenyan universities  Encouraging overseas study (& for them to come back to work in Kenya)

16 Challenge: unable to join high-tech economy Solutions:  fast & cheap internet (2008)  pushing high-tech education at Kenyan universities  Encouraging overseas study (& for them to come back to work in Kenya)

17 Challenge: unable to join high-tech economy 2013: Nairobi “techies” strong in developing on-line services for small businesses. Solutions:  fast & cheap internet (2008)  pushing high-tech education at Kenyan universities  encouraging overseas study (& for them to come back to work in Kenya) Info source:

18 watch this than in Nairobi. New office blocks are rising above the tin-shack slums, new bistros are popping up all over the place and taxi drivers are getting on Facebook. It’s essentially Africa joining the world.” - Jeffrey Gettleman, 27 September 2013, Nairobi “…the dramatic expansion of Africa’s middle class, now more than 300 million people, and perhaps there’s no better place on the continent to




22 3. Draw Conclusions Based on the information you have, could you say that improved literacy rates caused the increased GDP, or that the increased GDP per capita caused the improved literacy rates? Why or why not?

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