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1 Romans Paul’s Exposition of “Salvation by Grace Through Faith” Lesson 16 VIII. God’s Righteousness: DEMANDING RIGHTEOUS LIVES Romans Romans 12:1 - 15:13.

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1 1 Romans Paul’s Exposition of “Salvation by Grace Through Faith” Lesson 16 VIII. God’s Righteousness: DEMANDING RIGHTEOUS LIVES Romans Romans 12:1 - 15:13 Today’s Lesson: 12:1-21, Page 142

2 2 A. Christian behavior reflects indebtedness to God Romans 12:1-21 1. 1.God accepts those who behave properly (1,2) a. a.He expects the sacrifice of the lives of the saved (1)   Those justified by faith had incurred an obligation that could not be ignored   Since God had given them for their cleansing the One most precious to Him -- His only Son -- it was fitting that they should give Him the ones most precious to them -- themselves!   It would be “holy” and “acceptable” on God’s part because it was by His plan -- not man’s plan   It was “reasonable” [rational] when compared to the “glory which shall be revealed” in them (Rom.8:18)

3 3 A. Christian behavior reflects indebtedness to God Romans 12:1-21 1. 1.God accepts those who behave properly (1,2) b. b.He expects His sons to be fashioned like His Son (2)   Christians can “fashion themselves” (1Pet.1:14) into whatever image they choose according to their free will   They must not be in the likeness of the world, but   They must be in the likeness of Christ   Transformation begins with a renewed mind that assumes a new focus on heavenly things   Transformation culminates in a renewed lifestyle that emerges when the “old man” of sin is cast aside and the “new man” begins to dominate (Col.3:5,8,9,12-14, etc.)   Transformation occurs as the mind [spirit] responds to God’s word

4 4 A. Christian behavior reflects indebtedness to God Romans 12:1-21 The new standards of conduct for Christians were divided by Paul [intentionally or not] through the rest of the chapter into three sections: (1) Behaviors relating to the church [verses 3-8]; (2) Behaviors relating to fellow Christians [verses 9-16]; (3) Behaviors relating to non-Christians [verses 17-21]

5 5 A. Christian behavior reflects indebtedness to God Romans 12:1-21 2. 2.Standards of conduct are set for recipients of His gifts (3-8) a. a.Pride is inappropriate in objects of grace (3)   The new standard of conduct applies “to every man that is among you” -- no exceptions   Attitude toward self and others is fundamental   We must properly evaluate ourselves in order to work in accordance with our capabilities   This assessment should be marked by neither self- aggrandizement nor self-disparagement   And, according to “the measure of faith” God has given every man -- that measure comes from exposure to the word of God

6 6 A. Christian behavior reflects indebtedness to God Romans 12:1-21 2. 2.Standards of conduct are set for recipients of His gifts (3-8) b. b.Each gift should promote the good of all (4,5)   A church has many members operating as one body in Christ even though each member has a different office (function)   Paul makes an analogy of members of the church to the human body in which different members perform various functions   Members were “one of another,” and all gifts were intended to be used for the good of everyone in the body

7 7 A. Christian behavior reflects indebtedness to God Romans 12:1-21 2. 2.Standards of conduct are set for recipients of His gifts (3-8) c. c.Responsibilities accompany the use of God’s gifts (6-8)   Whether they had miraculous gifts or natural gifts (abilities), the gifts were to be used for the good of everyone in the body   Prophecy, the faculty to speak for God in an imparted revelation, was an operation of great value to the church before written revelation became available (6)   Ministering would include any kind of service needed by the body (7)   Teaching and exhorting edifies the members (7,8)

8 8 A. Christian behavior reflects indebtedness to God Romans 12:1-21 2. 2.Standards of conduct are set for recipients of His gifts (3-8) c. c.Responsibilities accompany the use of God’s gifts (6-8) (Continued)   Giving with liberality by all members according to what they have (8)   Ruling or leading with diligence by elders and other in a place of influence in the congregation (8)   Showing mercy with cheerfulness includes helping people in time of need (distresses) (8)

9 9 A. Christian behavior reflects indebtedness to God Romans 12:1-21 3. 3.Guidelines for ordinary [uninspired] conduct (9-20) a. a.Love is the basis of conduct toward brethren (9-13)   Let love be without hypocrisy (9)   Abhor what is evil (9)   Cling to what is good (9)

10 10 A. Christian behavior reflects indebtedness to God Romans 12:1-21 3. 3.Guidelines for ordinary [uninspired] conduct (9-20) a. a.Love is the basis of conduct toward brethren (9-13) (Continued)   Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; (10)   Not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; (11)   Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; (12)  (13)  Distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality (13)

11 11 A. Christian behavior reflects indebtedness to God Romans 12:1-21 3. 3.Guidelines for ordinary [uninspired] conduct (9-20) b. b.Christ’s image is restored in conduct toward unbelievers (14-20)   Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse (14)   Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep (15)   Be of the same mind toward one another (16)   Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble (16)   Do not be wise in your own opinion (16)

12 12 A. Christian behavior reflects indebtedness to God Romans 12:1-21 3. 3.Guidelines for ordinary [uninspired] conduct (9-20) b. b.Christ’s image is restored in conduct toward unbelievers (14-20) (Continued)   Repay no one evil for evil (17)   Have regard for good things in the sight of all men (17)  (18)  If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men (18)   Defer to God for vengeance on others (19)  Return good treatment to our enemies for bad (20)

13 13 A. Christian behavior reflects indebtedness to God Romans 12:1-21 4. 4.The Christian’s sacrifice overcomes evil just as Christ’s did (21) a. (21) a.Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (21)

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