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Employee Discipline In Hospitality Industry
Presented By : Nurul Husna Binti Yunus
Introduction Employee performance and behaviour is expected to contribute toward the achievement of the organization's goals and objectives When an employee's performance or behaviour is unsatisfactory, corrective action must be taken . In hospitality industry, employee discipline was the important things in order to achieve the success in the hotel business In this slide we will discuss about : - Example of discipline action in hospitality industry - Action will be taken - Why this problem happen ? - How to overcome this problem
Activities that lead to Employee Discipline
Minor Offenses: Follow the Progressive Discipline Process 1. Absences or tardiness 2. Smoking in unauthorized locations 3. Unauthorized breaks 4. Miscellaneous rule violations 5. No call, no show 6. Excessive lateness 7. Insubordination 8. Improper use of equipment 9. Failure to report an accident or injury
Major Offenses: Immediate Termination
1. False statements made on the job application 2. Time clock violations 3. Gambling, fighting, bringing weapons to work 4. Drug or alcohol use 5. Willful destruction of company property 6. Sexual harassment or abuse
Action will be taken/ procedures
Step 1 - Verbal Reprimand The employee’s immediate supervisor gives verbal reprimands. The reprimand must be given in private and must address the area of concern including the possible outcome if the behaviour is not corrected and the employee is given an opportunity to provide his or her version of the events. Step 2 - Written Reprimand The letter should include actions that may be taken if the inappropriate behaviour continues. The employee is given an opportunity to provide his or her version of the events. The letter should be given in private and a copy is placed in the employee’s personnel file.
Step 3 - Disciplinary Suspension
The first suspension is for one day. If this does not correct the behaviour and repetition occurs, the next incident would result in a five day suspension, and then a ten day suspension. After a ten day suspension, dismissal would be considered. Non - Disciplinary Suspension Deputy Heads do not give a disciplinary suspension where they feel an extensive investigation is required. Where the Deputy Head feels an employee must be removed from the work site to properly conduct an investigation, a suspension pending investigation under Section 30 of the Public Service Act is required.
Step 4 - Dismissal The supervisor makes a recommendation for dismissal after looking into the matter and hearing the employee’s explanation. If the employee is a member of the UNW, prior to any meeting to discuss the problem, the employee must be given 24 hours notice of the right to Union representation. The Deputy Head, upon reviewing the recommendation of the supervisor, gives the employee an opportunity to provide a written submission.
1. Rules and Procedures Are Vaguely Written, Misunderstood, and Ignored
Some procedure and policy are not stating clearly by employer. Unwritten rules, or rules that are simply “understood,” are sure to be broken because people interpret things in different ways. For example : A hotel employee who arrive minute late every day will not be reprimand by management even though management may not totally approve this situation because fear for conflict. When policies and procedures are not clearly stated in writing, employees are inclined to misunderstand or ignore them.
2.Employees Lack Sufficient Abilities,Knowledge, Skills, or Aptitude
Hired a perfectly qualified individual but then failed to provide the proper training and supervision to ensure his success. Proper and ongoing new employee orientation and training are of the utmost importance. Employees who do not know what they are supposed to do or how they are supposed to perform their required tasks tend to decrease productivity, lower the quality of customer service, and cause problems that require disciplinary action.
3. Troublesome Environmental Factors
Disciplinary problems typically result from poor management and supervision. Examples of internal environmental factors are improper or lazy hiring procedures, failure to train employees, poor or inadequate supervision, missing tools and supplies, or equipment that is in disrepair. All of these internal factors can lead to morale problems, and low employee morale will almost always lead to disciplinary problems. external environmental factors. Such factors may include problems employees have at home with family members, marital problems, legal problems, drug or alcohol problems, financial struggles, and even problems at school.
5 ways to reset hotel employee discipline
Charles. A Conine (Columnis) state : 1.Make a clear statement. Design recruitment and on-boarding policies so the company’s commitment is unmistakable, such as with the following statement: “When you join our hotel’s team, you and your supervisor will each commit to a relationship built on mutual trust, respect and self-discipline. 2. Build the management team. Recruit, train and retain only those managers whose actions show they are passionately committed to leadership. Adopt a rigorous ethical leadership code. For top performers, spend money on professional coaching and customized development plans to hone their leadership skills.
3. Focus on the absolutes of self-discipline.
Forget the employee handbook laundry list of 50 “don’ts.” Instead, develop a short list of “absolutes” that help employees stay focused on what’s important: respect for guests, fellow employees and property. 4. Add systems for employee feedback and neutral dispute resolution. Explore new and expanded ways to actively solicit feedback from all levels of employees. Frequently revisit what feedback is being given and, more importantly, what’s being done about it. Finally, consider implementing a program of binding arbitration utilizing retired judges as the last stop for thorny discipline and dispute issues.
5. Measure results. One surefire way to know a new discipline policy is working is to ask employees. As the HR team knows, many are not bashful about sharing their feelings. Other metrics to observe include the number of complaint/grievance filings; rate of disciplinary suspensions and terminations; reasons for turnover. Whatever metrics are used, take prompt course-correcting actions in order to build and preserve mutual trust and respect.
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