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IBM meets traditional population ecology IBM  behavioural patterns  life history variation  population level responses (ecology, genetics) What are.

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Presentation on theme: "IBM meets traditional population ecology IBM  behavioural patterns  life history variation  population level responses (ecology, genetics) What are."— Presentation transcript:

1 IBM meets traditional population ecology IBM  behavioural patterns  life history variation  population level responses (ecology, genetics) What are the characteristics of population-level responses to different IBM scenarios? Analytical tools

2 IBM meets traditional population ecology IBM  individual behaviour patterns  individual life history variation  population level responses (ecology, genetics) Matrix population model: n t+1 = A n t abundance vector projection matrix  sensitivity Caswell, H (2001) Matrix population models

3 IBM meets traditional population ecology IBM  individual behaviour patterns  individual life history variation  population level responses (ecology, genetics) Abundance in time and space:  synchrony  structural dynamics density dependence Matrix population model: n t+1 = A n t abundance vector projection matrix  sensitivity Caswell, H (2001) Matrix population models

4 IBM meets traditional population ecology Analysis of patterns: fox abundance in time and space IBM space time (years) abundance regional 34 IBM time Many IBM modellers look for cyclic population level responses (?)...

5 IBM meets traditional population ecology Analysis of patterns: fox abundance in time and space time (years) abundance regional time (years) abundance local IBM space IBM time

6 IBM meets traditional population ecology Analysis of patterns: fox abundance in time and space time (years) abundance time (years) abundance regional local IBM space IBM time

7 IBM meets traditional population ecology Analysis of patterns: fox abundance in time and space cross correlation distance spatial fox dynamics IBM space migration, predation and climate

8 IBM meets traditional population ecology Analysis of patterns: fox abundance in time and space time (years) abundance local temporal fox dynamics: fluctuations lag (years) correlation lag (years) 24 ACF

9 IBM meets traditional population ecology Analysis of patterns: fox abundance in time and space time (years) abundance local correlation lag (years) spectrum frequency (1/years) 22 6 2 24 temporal fox dynamics: fluctuations

10 IBM meets traditional population ecology Analysis of patterns: fox abundance in time and space time (years) abundance local temporal fox dynamics: structure X t =f (X t-1,..., X t-n ) X t = 1.14X t-1 – 0.48X t-2 X t = 0.66X t-1 +0.22X t-2 autoregression Royama, T (1992) Analytical population dynamics Tong, H (1990) Non-linear time series

11 IBM meets traditional population ecology Fox abundance in time and space: connecting patterns and processes intra-specific inter-specific X t =f (X t-1,..., X t-n ) fox AR structure:

12 IBM meets traditional population ecology Fox abundance in time and space: connecting patterns and processes X t =f (X t-1 ) intra-specific inter-specific fox AR structure:

13 IBM meets traditional population ecology Fox abundance in time and space: connecting patterns and processes X t =f (X t-1, X t-2 ) intra-specific inter-specific fox AR structure:

14 IBM meets traditional population ecology Fox abundance in time and space: connecting patterns and processes X t =f (X t-1, X t-2 ) intra-specific inter-specific fox AR structure:

15 IBM meets traditional population ecology Fox abundance in time and space: connecting patterns and processes intra-specific inter-specific X t =f (X t-1, X t-2, X t-3 ) dimension indicates no of trophic interactions fox AR structure:

16 IBM meets traditional population ecology Analysis of patterns: fox abundance in time and space time (years) abundance local X t = 0.66X t-1 +0.22X t-2 X t = 1.14X t-1 – 0.48X t-2 2-dimensional AR models

17 IBM meets traditional population ecology Bornholm Jylland Fyn Sjælland time (years) abundance local X t = 0.66X t-1 +0.22X t-2 X t = 1.14X t-1 – 0.48X t-2 Indeed,...

18 IBM meets traditional population ecology The interface between IBM and analytical population ecology may...... provide information on how populations will behave – in time and space – over a range of IBM scenarios... focus on key variables potentially responsible, otherwise muddled by the numerous IBM variables and their syngistic effects

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