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CPR: C ommunity P artners in R eading “The best hour of my week, hands down!” – CPR Partner.

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2 CPR: C ommunity P artners in R eading “The best hour of my week, hands down!” – CPR Partner

3 What is CPR? CPR is a program designed to help struggling 2 nd -graders learn to read. CPR calls out to local businesses and organizations to participate in the education of children in our community.

4 Did You Know? Research says that children who cannot read at grade level by the 3 rd grade continue to fall behind and never reach their academic potential!

5 Who helps these kids with their reading? You Do! CPR is designed to aid such students, who benefit from extra instruction and personal attention. CPR pairs two children with one community partner from a local business or organization.

6 What Does a Community Partner Do? A community partner spends 15 minutes a week receiving instruction on how to overcome the academic struggles of his/her student. Then, the community partner will spend 30 minutes a week with each student reading and working on vocabulary and comprehension. The amounts to a 75 minute commitment each week

7 Can Anyone Be a Community Partner? Absolutely! The first week of CPR is spent in a 75 minute initial training session that is then reinforced each week during the mini-lesson. After this training session, community partners will be ready to begin working with students.

8 How Does CPR Work? A Teacher at each site completes the daily, individualized lesson plan for each student and provides the community partner with instructions. The teacher remains on site to help out during tutoring. Students are served by a different partner each day, Monday through Thursday.

9 What If I Want To Tutor But I Can’t Make It Every Week? Many firms have found “partner pairs” successful, having two employees cover on CPR spot. – Thus, each partner can commit to 75 minutes every other week. – This way, if unexpected time conflicts do come up, every child can consistently be served!

10 When and Where? Current Schedule: October 2-1 75 minute training session Oct 9 – Dec 7 Implementation of CPR February 12-15 75 minute training session Feb 19 – Apr 28 Implementation of CPR Sites and Times Fairview 9:45-11:00 Grandview 10:45-11:30 Summit 8:55-10:10 Templeton 9:45-10:30

11 How Can I Get Involved in CPR? I am not sure how to set this slide up.

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