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 Statement of the Problem  Review of related literature  Statement of Hypothesis.

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3  Statement of the Problem  Review of related literature  Statement of Hypothesis

4 Lack of both parental involvement and resources negatively affect the reading scores of students with low S.E.S.

5  Family literacy as a third space between home and school (Pahl & Kelly, 2005).  Interactive homework assignments (Bailey, 2006)  Reading First: A component of the No Child Left Behind Act (Whitfield, 2005)  School support strategies (Sen. et al.,2009)  Explicit Phonemic Awareness and Decoding Skills Instruction (Ryder,2007)

6 Pro Con Parent involvement can positively affect academic achievement and help to solve some behavioral problems. (Domina,2005 & Patall 2008 & Senechal; Young 2008) Parent educational level, social status as well as the student’s environment can affect students negatively. (Tam 2009 & Walberg, 1976& 1981 & Eccleston, 2010 & Horvat- McNamara, 2003 & Myberg, 2008) There is a push to “build a bridge” between schools and parents. (Reed,2009 &Bailey, 2006 & Watkins, 1997 & Cook, 2005 & Goddard,2001) Low Income working parents face unique barriers that hinder parental involvement. (Heymann ;Earle 2000) There are school base strategies that are in place to help children to succeed in homework. (Margolis, 2004 & Ryder, 2007 & Sen et. al. 2009 & Whitfield, 2005) Educators are failing in their efforts to communicate with parents and assign homework. (Margolis, 2004 & Skinner 2004 & Gill, 2003) Tutoring centers such as Sylvan learning center, Kumon and Huntington learning centers are available. Outside tutoring can be costly. Parents of low SES have limited resources. (Horvat, 2003)

7 HR1: Implementing reading instruction for 15 minutes five days a week over an eight week period will improve the literacy scores of 10 at-risk first grade students of school x.

8 Bailey, L. (October 2006). Interactive Homework: A Tool for Fostering Parent-Child Interactions and Improving Learning Outcomes for At-Risk Young Children. Early Childhood Education Journal. 105 1 155-167 Cook, M.(July 2005). ‘A Place of Their Own’: creating a classroom ‘third space’ to support a continuum of text construction between home and school. Literacy. 39 85-90 Domina, T. (July 2005). Leveling the Home Advantage: Assessing the effectiveness of Parental Involvement in Elelmentary School. Sociology of Education. 78 233-249 Heymann, S. J.; Earle, A. (Winter 2008). Low Income Parents: How do Working Conditions Affect Their Opportunity To Help School-Age Children At Risk. American Educational Research Journal. 37 4 33-848 Horvat, E.; Weininger, E.B.; Lareau, A. (Summer 2003). From Social Ties To Social Capital: Class differences in the Relations Between Schools and Parent Networks. American Eucational Research Journal. 40 2 319-351 Margolis, H. (October 2004). Resolving Struggling Learners’ Homework Difficulties: Working With Elementary School Learners and Parents. Reading Psychology An International Quarterly. 25 4 225-260 Pahl, K. ; Kelly, S. (July 2005). Family Literacy As A Third Space Between Home and School: Some Case Studies of Practice. Literacy. 91-97 Reed, W. A. (2009). The Bridge is Built: The Role of Local Teachers in an Urban Elementary School. The School Community Journal 19 1 59-75

9 Ryder, J.; Tummer, W.; Greaney, K. (Explicit Instruction in Phonemic Awareness and Phonemically Based Decoding Skills as an Intervention Strategy for Struggling Readers in Whole Language Classrooms. Reading And Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 21 4 349-369 Sen., A.; Burns, S.; Miller, D. (September 2009). Teacher Strategies To Help Fourth-Graders Having Difficulty in Reading: An International Perspective. National Center For Education Statistics. 1-16 Senechal, M; Young L. (September 2008). The Effect of Family Literacy Interventions On Children's’ Acquisition Of Reading From Kindergarten to Grade 3: A Meta Analytic Review. 880-907 Tam, V. C.; Chan, Raymond. (2008) Parent Involvement In Primary Children’s Home Work In Hong Kong. School Community Journal. 19 2 81-100 Watkins, T. (September-October 1997). Teacher Communication, Child Achievement And Parent Traits in Parent Involvement Models. Journal of Education Research 91 1 81-100 Whitfield, P.; (2005). No Child Left Behind : Leaving The Arts Behind In Developing Young Children’s Literacy. 11 2 43-54

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