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Review of some points from last Thursday

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1 Review of some points from last Thursday

2 Chemical and physical (mechanical) layers in the Earth’s crust

3 P-waves

4 3 types of plate boundaries
Divergent - mid-ocean ridges (e.g., Mid-Atlantic Ridge: MAR) - continental rifts (east African Graben) - 1st continental rift, then mid-ocean ridge (e.g., Red Sea, MAR) 2) Convergent - ocean-under-continental crust subduction (e.g., Cascades, Alaska) - continental-under-continental crust subduction (e.g., Himalayas) - ocean-under-ocean crust subduction (e.g., Aleuts) - continent-under-ocean crust subduction Transform - continental-continental crust (e.g., San Andreas Fault) - oceanic-oceanic crust (e.g., faults perpendicular to MOR) Augustine

5 1: divergent plate boundary
Iceland: a mid-ocean rift above water!

6 Krafla, 1980 1: divergent plate boundary
Iceland: a mid-ocean rift above water! Thingvellir: site of first parliament in 930 A.D.

7 3 types of plate boundaries
2: convergent plate boundary subduction zone a) ocean-continent

8 Examples of ocean-continent subduction zone products
Cascades volcanism Mt. St. Helens (January, 23, 2006 – Dave Sherrod, USGS) Mt. St. Helens, spring 1980

9 Depth of Earthquakes in subduction zones
Cross-section through Japan area depth 200 km 400 km Pacific Plate Eurasia Plate 0 km West East

10 In addition to subduction and volcanism there can be
uplift of crust due to convergent plate motion Limestone in the Andes

11 Mt. Everest S N India Tibetan Plateau
2: convergent plate boundary (continued) Mt. Everest S N India Tibetan Plateau b) continent-continent

12 3 types of plate boundaries
2: convergent plate boundary Augustine ocean-continent Aleuts Arc c) ocean-ocean

13 Augustine Volcano January 29, 2006 January 30, 2006

14 3.) Transform Boundary (Strike Slip Faults)


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