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Transfer-level English Composition

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1 Transfer-level English Composition
Jason Long Read 520 Website Project for Community College Transfer-level English Composition

2 Website Project This project is being created for use at the community college level, and specifically for a college Freshman English course. Students will be placed in smaller groups (5 or 6 students) and tasked with creating their own web pages through Google Sites. The theme of the sites will be based on the text they will be reading – Winner-Take-All Politics by Paul Pierson and Jacob S. Hacker

3 Google Site Contents First, students will be required to post their reading journals on the website, and respond to their group-mates' journals. Later, students will be required to post possible resources to be used with their eventual research papers. Finally, students will have to take two sources they plan to use and post two academic summaries to the site.

4 The Literacy Goals Students' work will meet the following outcomes for Merced College's English 1A course: Analyze, interpret, and evaluate texts and sources (primary and secondary) Integrate the ideas of others through paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting in appropriate documentation format Demonstrate proofreading and editing techniques so that written work conforms to the conventions of standard, written, academic English

5 The Technology Standards
The website project will meet the following Standards from the ISTE: Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Technology Operations and Concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations

6 Introduction and Sample
The project will be introduced in a computerized classroom, so groups can create their Google Sites with me in the room to help if needed. The activities will be done over a month period, beginning with the reading journals, then the source information, and finally summaries. Students can use the front page of the website as a way to stay in contact with each other as they progress. A full sample page has been created as a demonstration and can be seen using the following link:

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