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A new way of working with the website at Statistics Sweden Christine Uhrlander Lindbom Unit head, Editorial office Communication department 2015-12-191.

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Presentation on theme: "A new way of working with the website at Statistics Sweden Christine Uhrlander Lindbom Unit head, Editorial office Communication department 2015-12-191."— Presentation transcript:

1 A new way of working with the website at Statistics Sweden Christine Uhrlander Lindbom Unit head, Editorial office Communication department 2015-12-191

2 2

3 3 Organisation On 1 January 2008 the new Communication Department was founded. Four units: Customer Service, Marketing, Information and Publishing and the Editorial Office. 64 people Two cities: Stockholm and Örebro

4 2015-12-194 Organisation, cont. From a decentralised to a centralised publishing process where different competencies are used and developed. Employees at the Communication Department have become specialists in their area.

5 2015-12-195

6 2015-12-196 Web publishers Five web publishers (more to be recruited) EPi Server Tables and graphs, press releases and reports. Plan the yearly publications All statistical products at Statistics Sweden will have been “taken over” during this year

7 2015-12-197 Press service Writing and editing press releases Responsible for all communication and cooperation with the media. Co-operation with the web publishers

8 2015-12-198 Translators Two in-house translators Translating and proofreading information to be published on the English version of Co-operation with web publishers and press service All translations are to be ordered in advance by the responsible statisticians or the web publishers.

9 Publishing a press release Webb publisher Press group Translator Webb publisher Producer of statistics Webb publisher Producer of statistics 2015-12-199 Press release

10 2015-12-1910 Web editors Two web editors Responsible for the way we address the visitors to our website and language guidelines Writing and editing new pages on the website Assist statisticians and others who want to improve their product pages Co-operation with web developers and marketing.

11 2015-12-1911 Web developers Responsible for the structure, layout and development of the website Involved in developing new applications and web pages Set up the requirements for the programmers to follow when it comes to development Improving the search function, the interface and functionality of the databases and the publication calendar

12 2015-12-1912 Web developers, cont. Long-term planning of the website. Examples of questions right now are: How involved should Statistics Sweden be in the new www community? –Should we chat, blog, be present on Facebook? –How do we reach the next generation with our statistics?

13 2015-12-1913 Other groups Library –Responsible for updating the general links Customer Support –Contribute with ideas on how to develop the site Marketing –Provides the directives on what to promote on the start page. –Support the web editors with the texts directed towards a certain target group.

14 2015-12-1914

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