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Key Terms.

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1 Key Terms

2 Ambulatory A passageway around the apse of the church

3 Apse The end point of a church where the altar is

4 Arcade A series of arches supported by columns.

5 Archivolt A series of concentric molding around the arch.

6 Axial Plan Basilica Plan, Longitudinal Plan A Church with along nave where the focus on the apse

7 Baptistery A building or part of a church used for baptism.

8 Bay A unit of interior space in a building, marked off by architectural divisions.

9 campanile: Italian name for a bell tower, usually one that is detached from the main building.

10 Cathedral The principal church of diocese where the bishop sits

11 Clerestory An upper story of a building with windows above adjacent roofs.

12 Embroidery A woven product in which the design is stitched.

13 Jamb A vertical element of a doorway or window frame

14 Narthex A low projection at the western end of a church, like a porch.

15 Portal any doorway or entrance but especially one that is large and imposing.

16 Reliquary A container for relics.

17 Rib Vault masonry vault with a relatively thin web and set within a framework of ribs.

18 Tapestry A woven product in which the deign and the backing are produced a the same time on a loom A loom is a device used to weave cloth.

19 Transept An aisle in a church in perpendicular to the nave

20 Triforium 2nd story of the church

21 Trumeau A central Pillar pr the portal that is stabilizes the structure

22 Tympanum A rounded sculpture place over the portal of a medieval church

23 Voussoir One of the wedge-shaped stones used in constructing an arch.

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