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Beach Energy Ltd Lake Tanganyika 2D Transition Zone Seismic Survey

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Presentation on theme: "Beach Energy Ltd Lake Tanganyika 2D Transition Zone Seismic Survey"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beach Energy Ltd Lake Tanganyika 2D Transition Zone Seismic Survey Data Processing, 2015 De-multiple Tests Stack Displays Line BST14A-05 Mar. 30, 2015

2 The following De-multiple methods were tested:
Prestack Wave Equation Multiple Attenuation Shallow Water Multiple Elimination Radon De-multiple Post-Stack Post-stack De-multiple Deconvolution After Stack (DAS) Pre-stack time migrated stack displays were created with and without post-stack processing. The post-stack processing included the following: FX Deconvoltuion Spectral Equalisation Bandpass filter AGC

3 Stack Displays Sequence Input field data/Reformat Add Geometry: (from SPS files) Spherical Divergence Correction: (V**2)(T**1.2) Ensemble Balance: entire record scaled Low-cut filter: 4 Hz Squelch and Spurious Noise Attenuation Deghost Summation of OBX hydrophone/geophone Quash Linear Noise Attenuation Airgun, Dynamite, Vibroseis sources matched to Marine Airgun data Pre-stack De-multiple Tests SC Deconvolution 3 passes velocity picking, 2 passes residual statics NMO correction: 3rd picked velocities Prestack Time Migration Trace Balance: 9 windows Stack Post-stack De-multiple Tests Static Shift to lake level FX Deconvolution Spectral Equalisation AGC Bandpass Filter Hz Polarity Reversal Display: -ve = blue, +ve = red Note: positive reflection co-eff. = +ve number or red color

4 No De-multiple Applied, PSTM Stack, with post-stack proc.

5 Wave Equation De-multiple Applied, PSTM Stack, with post-stack proc.

6 Shallow Water Multiple Elimination Applied, PSTM Stack, with post-stack proc.

7 Radon De-multiple Applied, PSTM Stack, with post-stack proc.

8 Post-stack De-multiple Applied, PSTM Stack, with post-stack proc.

9 DAS De-multiple Applied, PSTM Stack,with post-stack proc.

10 No De-multiple Applied, PSTM Stack, no post-stack proc.

11 Wave Equation De-multiple Applied, PSTM Stack, no post-stack proc.

12 Shallow Water Multiple Elimination Applied, PSTM Stack, no post-stack proc.

13 Radon De-multiple Applied, PSTM Stack, no post-stack proc.

14 Post-stack De-multiple Applied, PSTM Stack, no post-stack proc.

15 DAS De-multiple Applied, PSTM Stack, no post-stack proc.

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