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Chutes and Ladders Cumulative Challenge First, macros must be enabled. If you have Office 2007, there should be a message below the ribbon that says macros.

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Presentation on theme: "Chutes and Ladders Cumulative Challenge First, macros must be enabled. If you have Office 2007, there should be a message below the ribbon that says macros."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chutes and Ladders Cumulative Challenge First, macros must be enabled. If you have Office 2007, there should be a message below the ribbon that says macros have been disabled and shows an Options button. Click the Options button and choose Enable. For any other version of Office, go to Tools, then Security, then Macros, and choose the Medium setting. Then close and re-open the Chutes and Ladders file. Click the Start Game button and you will be asked to choose the number of teams. After you click Ok, you will be asked to choose a game mode. There are two modes: Classic (where the teams take turns and go in order) and Free-For-All (where any team can answer at any time). Choose the mode you prefer. To ask a question, click the Start Round button. If you chose Classic mode, then you will be told which team’s turn it is. When they answer the question, click either the Correct or Wrong button (depending on if they were correct or wrong). If you chose Free-For-All, then you will see a button corresponding to each team. Click the team that gets the question right. If none of them get it right, click the None button. In either case, you will be brought back to the main game screen and the computer will roll the dice to move the appropriate team. The first team to 100 wins! Game Templet Source: Start Game

2 Start Round Team 1

3 Congratulations!

4 Name three ways people change the physical environment. CorrectWrong

5 Name three obligations or responsibilities of US citizens. CorrectWrong

6 Customs beliefs and language and food are important aspects of what? CorrectWrong

7 Explain the difference between communism and capitalism. CorrectWrong

8 Give two examples of how people adapt to their environment. CorrectWrong

9 A simple way to think of economics. (Hint the word begins with “M”) CorrectWrong

10 What allows individuals (in a democracy) to influence the way their country is governed? CorrectWrong

11 Define democracy. CorrectWrong

12 Define dictatorship. CorrectWrong

13 Define monarchy. CorrectWrong

14 Define oligarchy. CorrectWrong

15 What term defines “a group's shared beliefs and behavior”? CorrectWrong

16 Give three aspects (traits/characteristics/institutions) of culture. CorrectWrong

17 What is one of the most important cultural institutions that exist in all societies/cultures? CorrectWrong

18 Give two traits of unlimited governments. CorrectWrong

19 Give two traits of limited governments. CorrectWrong

20 What facilitates cultural borrowing? CorrectWrong

21 What hinders cultural borrowing? CorrectWrong

22 True or false: Citizens in democratic societies need to stay informed so they can judge if their concerns. CorrectWrong

23 Tropical, marine and arid are all types of what? CorrectWrong

24 Where did democracy originate? CorrectWrong

25 What is the major product of the Middle East economy? CorrectWrong

26 After World War II the United Nations decided to give the Jews some land in the Middle East, called Israel. Since the formation of Israel, Israel and what group of people have been in conflict? CorrectWrong

27 Due to the arid climate of the Middle East what is one essential item to human survival that is scarce in this part of the world? CorrectWrong

28 Name three of the five pillars of Islam. CorrectWrong

29 Egypt is in the desert. However, there is rich farmland there. How does this happen? CorrectWrong

30 Name three monotheistic (belief in one god) religions. CorrectWrong

31 Name three (ancient) inventions of the Chinese. CorrectWrong

32 China used to be a command economy but recently it has changed to what kind of economy? CorrectWrong

33 What kind of economy does the United States have? CorrectWrong

34 Name three communist countries in the world today. CorrectWrong

35 Many countries in Africa were once colonies of what two European nations? CorrectWrong

36 Advance for free! (Hit the correct key) CorrectWrong

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