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Learning Commons Re-envisioning the UCSF Library Building March 6, 2012 Student Academic Affairs and UCSF Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Commons Re-envisioning the UCSF Library Building March 6, 2012 Student Academic Affairs and UCSF Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Commons Re-envisioning the UCSF Library Building March 6, 2012 Student Academic Affairs and UCSF Library

2 UCSF's 2014-15 Education Plan 2 Goal Strategy Tactic Attract & support the most talented & diverse health science students Create a learning environment in which students thrive Develop a business plan for Parnassus and Mission Bay Learning Commons by Fall 2012

3 Learning Commons: Making the Case 3 Competition for the most talented and diverse students is keen Current quality of education space is uneven Consistent, high quality education space at Parnassus and Mission Bay is essential

4 Elements of the Learning Commons Space for Learning Quiet study, space for contemplation Faculty work space Technologically enhanced education spaces Informal meeting/study rooms for students and faculty Small group classrooms Simulation labs 4

5 Elements of the Learning Commons Space for Service Educational Technology “sandbox” Web- and tele- conferencing support Access to specialized software and resources Support for faculty-led innovations in teaching and learning Inspiring knowledge discovery 5

6 Elements of the Learning Commons Space for the UCSF Community Interprofessional and interdisciplinary neighborhoods for scholarship Center for Innovation in Interprofessional Health Education Multicultural Center Café 6 Photo credit: University of California, Berkeley

7 Social learning space pilot Fall 2012 UCSF LEARNING COMMONS Engage architects for preliminary design & cost estimation (June-Dec.) Preliminary study completed Conduct site visit to Facebook Identify Library materials for transition 2011 2012 Consult with Development Office Presentations to campus stakeholders August 2011 December 2011 March-June 2011 Fall 2011 Develop business plan Fall 2012 STATUS UPDATE

8 Next Steps Complete Business Plan for all education space needs (Parnassus and Mission Bay) Meet with Vice/Associate Deans to ensure that the program meets future needs Request design and planning funds (~$400,000) 8

9 Educating the Next Generation of Leaders 9 Photo credit: Pfeiffer Partners Architects

10 Thank you. 10 Joseph Castro, PhD, MPP Vice Chancellor Student Academic Affairs Karen Butter University Librarian Assistant Vice Chancellor, Instructional Technology

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