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Rome,Corso Vittorio Emanuele 217 19-23 October 2011 IPSIA CATTANEO Comenius Project Title: Sustainable solutions- “SusSol” Code: 2010-1-GB1-COM06-05656-6.

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Presentation on theme: "Rome,Corso Vittorio Emanuele 217 19-23 October 2011 IPSIA CATTANEO Comenius Project Title: Sustainable solutions- “SusSol” Code: 2010-1-GB1-COM06-05656-6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome,Corso Vittorio Emanuele 217 19-23 October 2011 IPSIA CATTANEO Comenius Project Title: Sustainable solutions- “SusSol” Code: 2010-1-GB1-COM06-05656-6 Activities 2010-2011

2 Year 2010-2011 Summary of the activities Focus on technical aspects: sustainability and sustainable energy Classes involved : 3 of the 5th year (last year of Italian High School age 18-21)and 1 of the 3rd year( age 16-17) Subjects involved : English, Thermohydraulics,Maths,I.T, Mechanics Working time: lesson time (no extra activities) All products have been evaluated and some of them have been used for the examinations

3 How and what?  Classes divided in spontaneous groups and produced group works about : Heat pumps, solar power and solar water heaters, heating swimming pools, heating systems of vehicles with liquid cooled engines, a questionnaire about water consumptions, the meaning of sustainability Students produced power point presentations,all on the school site ( The coordinator produced power point presentations about all meetings on the school site (

4 Mobilities Mobility description (Planned 24) Nr of participating staff Nr of participating pupils Eindhoven 20-24 october 2010 3 Ceuta 10-14 aprile 2011 35 Total number of mobilities 65 Number of mobilities to be carried out by 31.7.2012 67

5 Evaluation 1-Evaluation questionnaire By Stevenson 2-Evaluation after Ceuta meeting (At the airport while waiting for the flight students were asked to write their answers to some questions. All of them are in the report on the school site) 3-Evaluation of the products (quality and number)

6 Results of the students’ questionnaire (no negative answers) 70 students interviewed1 Very much 23 Did you learn anything new about your sustainability problem? 52135 Did you enjoy finding out about the sustainability topics of other students? 382012 Has the project helped you to develop a better understanding of sustainability problems in other countries 402010 Has the project improved your overall understanding of environmental sustainability? 52135 Did you enjoy the SusSol project work?402010

7 Students’ opinions After Ceuta What will you remember of this experience? 1-Many people have different cultures. I would like a world in which men and women could have equal right of freedom (Naresh). 2-About this experience I will always remember the Spanish movida, the wonderful girls and the relation with the teachers (Diego) 3-I will always remember the visit in Morocco, so different from us. I’m happy of this visit because I knew a new culture. Thanks for this experience. (Ettore) 4-I will always remember the Picasso Museum……. But the most significant experience was the difference of national lives, cultures and the different ways of communicating (Andrea) 5- I will always remember the different relation with the teachers and the team spirit (Giovanni)

8 What did this experience teach you? The first important thing that I have understood is learning English with other people and I am happy (Naresh) In this experience I have learnt a lot of things: first I liked the different costumes and cultures of the other countries( Poland, Scotland etc) and also I liked to know new places (Diego) In these days I knew many people and thanks to them I knew many things: the differences that there are among countries, between my language and the Spanish language and among languages in general. I visited many towns (Malaga, Ceuta, ……….). I have never been there and I hope to go there again in the future.(Ettore) This experience was very important for the possibility of communicate with Dutch English, Polish Spanish, Swiss people and to increase my cultural knowledge.(Andrea) This experience taught me to approach new and different people and see cultures different from mine(Giovanni)

9 Evaluation of the products They have been evaluated by the teachers of the different subjects on the base of: The cooperation of students (group works/single productions) The improving in using IT The challenge of using English The quality of the product For the students who went to Ceuta there was a sort of extra bonus in their curriculum

10 Dissemination All products and reports on line Report at the general teachers’ meeting at the end of the school year 2010-2011 Report at the meeting of “Rete Deure” (an organization of schools of Regione Lazio) at the end of the school year 2010-2011 Beginning of school-year2011-2012 slides of the project from the school site were shown during the meeting with the regional council authority

11 Future plans Make our students aware that We have to save energy whenever we can. Focus on the technical approach (subjects : Mechanics, Thermo Hydraulics, English, Mathematics,Electricity) Energy saving Without much effort, every family and every citizen can save energy every year. By following just a few precise rules, you will see that it's not hard to find many more Euros in your pocket at the end of the year. The little things we do every day make the difference. Energy saving: where can it be applied? Saving water Saving electric energy Lighting Saving Gasoline Saving Heat

12 The 3 “Rs” How ? 1 : Reduce A good way to save energy is not wasting things. Don’t use paper plates or cups all the time. You usually use them once—then you throw them away. Write on both sides of your sheets of paper. Use lunch boxes and thermos instead of paper bags, tins and cartons. Why? Reducing waste saves energy. It takes energy to make things and to get rid of them. Buy things without too much packaging. Some sweets have more plastic than food. What a waste!

13 2 - Reuse Try to use things more than once - reuse them. Wash out plastic sandwich bags and use them again. Buy toys at yard sales, pack food in reusable containers bring drinks in refillable or recyclable containers,save and reuse plastic bags and you will save both energy and money. Paint your older sister’s bike, instead of buying a new one. Fix old things whenever you can. Give your old clothes and toys to someone who needs them—don’t throw them away.

14 3 -Recycle You can recycle lots of things—cans, paper, glass, plastic, mobile phones, pc. Don’t throw away what can be recycled,take it to recycling bins.

15 Going for Zero Waste in the classrooms Students, teachers and staff of IPSIA Carlo Cattaneo in Rome will try to build up a model Zero Waste micro community in Rome They will join local associations, AMA (municipality’s waste management organization), businesses, individual volunteers, parents and government officials.

16 focus on a more general historical approach (subjects Italian, History, English) Did the ancient people recycle and how? What happened in the past in our cities? Do we have any authors in literature who speak of garbage and waste and how?

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