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 Center for Student Development Student Union, Room 134Phone (940) 898-3626.

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Presentation on theme: " Center for Student Development Student Union, Room 134Phone (940) 898-3626."— Presentation transcript:

1  Center for Student Development Student Union, Room 134Phone (940) 898-3626

2 Risk Management: the process of advising organizations of the potential and perceived risks involved in their activities

3 Advisors should challenge students to incorporate risk assessment into all aspects of the student organization, especially during event and travel planning.

4  Physical – injury, emergencies, death, hazing, sexual assault, alcohol  Emotional – hazing, sexual assault, accessibility, discrimination  Financial – money handling, fundraising, budgets  Reputational –individual students, the organization, and TWU  Facilities – fire safety, crowd control, driving, safety & security  Other potential harm –violating the law or University policy

5  Alcohol & Illegal Drugs  Hazing  Sexual Misconduct  Behavior: on and off campus  Fire & Safety Issues  Accessibility & Nondiscrimination  Student Travel


7 The use of illegal drugs is prohibited on Texas Woman’s University property. Such use is subject to penalties including suspension from attendance or enrollment at TWU.

8 911 Lifeline Legislation In Texas, a person under 21 won't be charged by the police for possessing or consuming alcohol if the person calls 911 because someone might have alcohol poisoning. Applies only if you:  Are the first person to call for medical assistance  Remain on the scene until medical assistance arrives  Cooperate with EMS and law enforcement

9 Chartered Student Organizations shall not serve, sell, or consume alcoholic beverages at any organization meeting or function on or off campus.


11 Hazing: any activity expected of someone joining a group that humiliates, degrades or risks emotional and/or physical harm, regardless of the persons willingness to participate

12 A person commits a hazing offense if they: engage in hazing solicit, encourage, direct, aid, or attempt to aid in hazing recklessly permit hazing to occur know of the planning of a hazing incident and fail to report know that a hazing incident occurred and fail to report

13 Ask yourself: 1. Is the activity going to contribute to our moral development? 2. Can I defend this activity in a court of law? 3. Would you want staff, parents, or media to view the event? 4. Does the activity require illegal or immoral acts? 5. Is the act mentally, emotionally, or physically threatening? 6. Would you film the activity and show it to an employer?

14 How to Report Hazing: Contact the Greek Life Coordinator Caisha Jones Office of Greek Life Texas Woman’s University


16  Sexual harassment: unwelcome, sexual or gender-based verbal, written or physical conduct  Sexual exploitation: a person takes non- consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another  Non-consensual contact or intercourse

17 TWU Sexual Misconduct Policy  Sexual Assault is a felony under Texas criminal laws and will not be tolerated at TWU  Sexual harassment and sexual assault may be subject to prosecution and/or disciplinary action

18  Be a positive bystander. Seek help!  Plan events and activities that create an environment of respect to reduce the risk of sexual misconduct  Know your resources. As an advisor or student leader, students may seek support from you

19 Department of Public Safety Hubbard Hall, Lower Level 940-898-2911 Student Health Services Hubbard Hall, Lower Level 940-898-3826 Denton County Friends of the Family Outreach: 940-387-5131 24hr Hotline: 800-572-4031 TWU Counseling Center West Jones Hall 940-898-3801

20 Students may choose to report anonymously by visiting the Silent Witness form on the TWU’s DPS website.  Reveal your identity or remain anonymous  Do not use this to report crimes in progress or to request immediate emergency services

21 Resources & Reporting  Students may report sex offenses to TWU DPS regardless of where the incident occurred  The university provides options for students needing to change academic and/or living situations after an alleged sexual assault


23 Remind students that they always represent: o Themselves o Their organization o Texas Woman’s University

24  Be fully acquainted with TWU regulations  Respect the rights and property of others in the community  Know that their conduct reflects not only upon themselves but also upon their advisor, the university and community members  Help maintain a safe environment by reporting suspicious/inappropriate/dangerous behavior

25 When planning student organization events or travel, take precautions against potentially damaging behavior.

26 Have clear expectations of org members written and signed before travel.

27 Students often wear Greek letters, student org t-shirts, or TWU insignias. Remember that their behavior (good or bad) is directly linked back to the org and university.


29 Texas law and TWU Policy prohibit the possession or use of firearms, illegal knife, dangerous weapons, explosives, and/or dangerous chemicals on campus

30  Make sure the venue can handle expected attendance  Keep all entrances and exits unobstructed  Do not obstruct/tamper with smoke detectors or sprinkler systems  Do not overload electrical circuits…always use surge protectors  Never ignore a fire alarm, even if you think it is “just a drill”  If you suspect anyone may have any illegal weapons on campus, report it immediately to DPS or call 911

31 Always plan out security needs in advance. Consider the following: Number of attendees Potential controversy (political, religious, etc.) Prominence of speakers/entertainers


33 Student organizations are open to all TWU students regardless of race, creed, disability, sexual orientation, age, and/or sex (National sororities and fraternities are exempt from gender discrimination)

34  Use locations where people with disabilities can participate without assistance, or with minimal help  Evaluate bathrooms, parking options, and signs  Offer materials in alternative formats (Braille, closed caption, online, large print)  Ask about format or interpretation needs in event registration  Make modifications to physical environments as needed, such as rearranging furniture


36 Student Travel: any off-campus travel planned or sponsored by student organizations or its members as part of the organization’s activities

37 An authorized university representative (or advisor) is required to be present at any activity involving travel or large events (involving 100+ people)

38 The following forms are available as a travel resource under the CSD’s Risk Management tab to be utilized as necessary: o Student Commitment Contract o Student Travel Checklist o Liability Contract o Student General Travel Contract o Student Conference Travel Contract o Advisor Travel Exemption Form The forms should be kept and filed by the student organization’s advisor.

39  Student Travel Checklist - assists with the planning process and keeps all required information in one place. This is the best tool to communicate all of the travel information between advisors and students.  Student Commitment Contract - for use at the beginning of your travel planning process to ensure that all students are aware of their commitment to travel All forms are under the CSD’s Risk Management tab

40  Liability Contract - used for any off-campus trip/activity in conjunction with all other applicable forms  Emergency Contact Form – Filled out prior to travel departure by all participating students. It is suggested that you keep a copy of the Emergency Contact Form both with the traveling group and a university representative on campus. All forms are under the CSD’s Risk Management tab

41  Student General Travel Contract - behavior contract for general travel (Helping Hands, service events, special speakers, etc.)  Student Conference Travel Contract - behavior contract for conferences. Includes stipulation to attend all aspects of the conference, including pre-conference, on-site, and post conference meetings, as well as any post conference evaluations All forms are under the CSD’s Risk Management tab

42  Advisor Travel Exemption Form - petition form for students wishing to travel without their advisor, especially when driving University vans. Primarily used for university funded events and travel. All forms are under the CSD’s Risk Management tab


44 If you are a Student Organization Advisor, you are to confirm your completion of the online risk management training. Please complete and submit the Advisor Risk Management Completion form. The form is available online through the Risk Management page on the Center for Student Development website.

45 Thank you for your completion of the online risk management training! Each advisor is required to complete the Online Risk Management Training annually.

46 Any questions? Please contact: Caisha Jones Coordinator of Greek Life Garrett Isom Coordinator of Leadership Development Partially adapted from PaperClip Communications: Risk Management for Student Organizations and University of Texas, University of Texas Arlington, and University of Texas Dallas risk management presentations

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