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Sixth Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security

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Presentation on theme: "Sixth Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security"— Presentation transcript:

1 Women’s nutrition: Foundation to achieving the WHA global targets for 2025
Sixth Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security Kampala, Uganda – 28 to 30 October 2015 Dr Adelheid W. Onyango

2 World Health Assembly Global Nutrition Targets

3 First 1000 days begin with maternal health and wellbeing
Maternal correlates of child malnutrition Poor nutrition during pre-conception, pregnancy and lactation Short stature Infection Adolescent pregnancy Mental health Short birth spacing Hypertension

4 Maternal nutrition indicators
Who’s affected Associated risks Maternal BMI <18.5 Short stature (<145 cm) >20% in SSA and South Asia (40% in Bangladesh, Eritrea, India) >10% in South-central Asia Poor fetal growth and development Obstetric complications BMI >30 (obesity) Increasing globally Complications in pregnancy High BW and risk of obesity in children Iron-deficiency anemia 29% WRA (496 million) 38% pregnant women (32.4 million) South Asia and Central & West Africa Reduced birth weight Higher risk of perinatal and maternal mortality

5 Adolescent girls: school attendance and childbearing
UNICEF: State of the World’s Children – 2015

6 Adolescent childbearing: risks
Social status compromised (school dropout, dependency and poverty) – disempowerment Health and nutrition risks for still-growing pregnant girls Adolescence is the age group with highest prevalence of anaemia High risk of low birth weight babies Adolescents are less likely than older mothers to breastfeed or to receive support Ill-equipped to nurture their infants and make the right choices on IYCF

7 World Health Assembly Global Nutrition Targets

8 Mwebale! Thank You! Merci!!

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