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Conducting Psychological Research The Dos and the Don’ts!

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Presentation on theme: "Conducting Psychological Research The Dos and the Don’ts!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conducting Psychological Research The Dos and the Don’ts!

2 Choosing a Sample Population: The entire group of people you want your research to apply to Sample: the small group of subjects, out of the total number possible, that a researcher studies Must be representative! Random sample: each individual has a equal chance of being represented Stratified sample: subgroups in the population are represented proportionally Group assignment (for formal experiments only) Experimental Group & Control Group

3 Variables Variables are the things you measure in your research.

4 Formal Experiment Independent Variable: the variable the researcher controls to measures it’s effect on human behavior Dependent Variable: The behavior you are observing Make sure to use the same independent variable for all subjects! Measure dependent variable consistently !

5 Non-Experimental Methods Correlation is NOT necessarily cause and effect! If you are not conducting a formal experiment, you can only show relationships between variables. 1.Content Analysis 2.Case Study 3.Surveys and Interviews 4.Field Study/ Naturalistic Observation 5.Laboratory Observation 6.Psychological Tests

6 Placebo Effect A change in a participants illness or behavior the results from a belief that the treatment will have an effect, rather than the actual treatment

7 Self-fulfilling Prophecy Single blind experiment: an experiment where the subjects are unaware of which participants receive the treatment (independent variable) Double blind experiment: an experiment where neither the experimenter nor the participants know who receives the treatment (independent variable)

8 Ethics in research Informed consent Debrief Protection of participants Deception Confidentiality Option to withdraw from an investigation

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