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 ReadSoft 2006 Brian Hrabovsky Oracle Specialist Deniz Kuypers Western Regional Manager Best-in-class companies report 91% lower invoice processing cost…

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1  ReadSoft 2006 Brian Hrabovsky Oracle Specialist Deniz Kuypers Western Regional Manager Best-in-class companies report 91% lower invoice processing cost… are you one of them?

2  ReadSoft 2006 Top Pain Points in the AP Process

3  ReadSoft 2006 Accounts Payable Automation

4  ReadSoft 2006 n There are ways to get financial data into Oracle EBS without manual keying n Time and money can be saved by automating the P2P process n Automation includes: – Capturing the image and the data – 2-way & 3-way matching – Exception handling – Invoice coding and approvals n Strengthen the four pillars of Accounts Payable: – Efficiency – Cycle time – Control – Visibility Learning Points

5  ReadSoft 2006 What Is the Vision for AP Optimization? n Leverage best practices in Accounts Payable n Centralized receipt of invoices, regardless of format (scan, fax, email) n Leverage existing Oracle infrastructure and business rules n Auto matching capability PO-based invoices n Improve cycle times with integrated workflow/account coding n Leverage early pay discounts n Centralized visibility, control and reporting

6  ReadSoft 2006 Typical Results of Process Optimization with ReadSoft n Reduction of manual data entry is generally 50 – 75% n Cycle time can be reduced to 2 – 4 days n More visibility and control of processes, outstanding liabilities and cash flow n Significant time savings due to less time spent: – handling vendor calls – resolving issues – verifying non-PO information – chasing down approvals, etc. n Average Return on Investment of 6 – 12 months

7  ReadSoft 2006 n Market Share - Global leader of AP process efficiency – End to end solutions for financial processes – 6,000 customers around the globe – 3,500 customers using our financial solutions for Accounts Payable – Processing over 400 million financial documents annually – Wider range of customers by volume n Legitimacy - Data Capture & workflow solutions are – Fully Oracle-certified – Seamless integration with Oracle EBS n Security – Established in 1991 – Publicly Traded – 485 Employees in 16 Subsidiaries – $85 Million Annual Revenue ReadSoft Leadership in the Automation of Financial Processes

8  ReadSoft 2006 n Thoroughly tested and approved by Oracle n Operates inside your familiar Oracle environment using standard interface and workflow n Oracle continues to support your EBS implementation as well as continuing to guarantee the security of your Oracle environment – ReadSoft solutions have ZERO impact on your current or future Oracle support agreements An Invoice Optimization Solution Certified by Oracle

9  ReadSoft 2006 ReadSoft’s Global Presence

10  ReadSoft 2006 Customer Success Stories n Vodafone – Processed 50% more invoices in 2 nd month after implementing ReadSoft n Kellogg’s – 50% of PO-based invoices go from Scan to Post untouched n Green Mountain Power – Enabled to take early payment discounts, greatly reduced vendor calls, and majority of top vendors are now enabled to send PDFs instead of paper n Alcan – Significant reduction in manual processing, data entry, filing and retrieval; majority of PO-based invoices automated n Sheridan – 3-month installation, including testing and go-live; able to negotiate significant discounts; able to process more invoices with fewer people; able to report in real-time on vendor spend

11  ReadSoft 2006 Company Supplier Payment Supplier PO Invoice GE Invoice Archive Approval & Accounting Business Process Invoice ScanningPaper PDF FAX XML Capture & Understand Solution Overview

12  ReadSoft 2006 Why ReadSoft? n 19 years of experience with installations around the globe n Largest customer base and market share in the industry n Only end-to-end solution provider for OCR + workflow n Solution certified by Oracle Corp. and resides inside EBS n Bottom-line impact: – Cost of manual keying eliminated – Cost and time of validation dramatically reduced – Cost of archiving reduced – Cost of late payment penalties eliminated – Early payment discounts available

13  ReadSoft 2006 Thank you!

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