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Director’s Report: Aircraft and Atmospheric Systems Group, AASG Dimitri Mavris.

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Presentation on theme: "Director’s Report: Aircraft and Atmospheric Systems Group, AASG Dimitri Mavris."— Presentation transcript:

1 Director’s Report: Aircraft and Atmospheric Systems Group, AASG Dimitri Mavris

2 A&AS Group Organization/Leadership 2 8 Jan 2015 Deputy Director for Aircraft Operations Dan DeLaurentis Air Transportation Systems Kapil Sheth Air Transportation Systems Kapil Sheth Product Support Mahender Reddy Product Support Mahender Reddy Flight Testing Karl Garman Flight Testing Karl Garman Director Aircraft & Atmospheric Systems Dimitri Mavris Director Aircraft & Atmospheric Systems Dimitri Mavris General Aviation Troy Downen General Aviation Troy Downen Lighter-Than-Air Rajkumar Pant Lighter-Than-Air Rajkumar Pant V/STOL Aircraft Systems Rick Mange V/STOL Aircraft Systems Rick Mange Aircraft Operations Karen Marais Aircraft Operations Karen Marais Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Jean Potvin Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Jean Potvin Aircraft Design Hernando Jimenez Aircraft Design Hernando Jimenez Balloon Systems Debora Fairbrother (ACTING) Balloon Systems Debora Fairbrother (ACTING) Deputy Director Forums Dave Maroney Deputy Director for Aircraft Technologies Rich Wahls Aerospace Traffic Management Green Engineering Red = NEW since May 2014 Technical Committees Affiliated Program Committees Energy Optimized Aircraft & Equipment Systems Energy Optimized Aircraft & Equipment Systems Transformational Flight Unmanned Systems Unmanned Systems HyTASP HyTASP Value Driven Design YELLOW – proposed

3 Aircraft Technologies TCs- Summary Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems - Jean Potvin, Saint Louis Univ.  Large (44), healthy, active, final conference outside of Forum scheduled for March 2015 – need to incorporate into TBD Forum in 2017 Aircraft Design – Hernando Jimenez, Georgia Tech  Large (36), healthy, active, participated AV14, SciTech14, and PE14, establishing a “Best Aircraft Design Paper” award Balloon Systems – Debora Fairbrother, NASA Goddard  Small (~12), in recovery mode due to removal of inactive TC chair, focused on AV15 participation General Aviation – Troy Downen, Gulfstream  Medium (27), active but in rebuilding mode in terms of membership and activities, Wm. T. Piper professional biennial award presented Lighter-than-Air Systems – Rajkumar Pant, Indian Institute of Technology  No response as yet to request for annual report draft V/STOL Aircraft Systems – Rick Mange, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics  Medium (29), healthy, active, participated AV14, Transformational Vertical Flight Workshop, preparing for 2016 IPLC with SAE, AHS, and RAeS, fully funded F.E.Newbold Foundation to point where $1000 honorarium can be given to recipient every ~30 months 3

4 Aircraft Operations TCs- Summary Aircraft Operations – Karen Marais, Purdue Univ.  Small (<10), In need of scope check and rejuvenation; working with Chair on strategy; challenge and opportunity Air Transportation Systems – Kapil Sheth, NASA Ames  Large (>30), healthy, active, instrumental in Aviation Forum planning, and leadership development Flight Testing – Karl Garman, FAA  Small (~10), but active leadership that is seeking to maximize quality of papers and linkages to related areas Product Support – Mahender Reddy, Boeing  Small (~10), but active and eager to find relationships 4

5 Initiative 1: Group Goals and Strategies Goal: Expanded & more unified presence at AIAA Forums Strategy  Engage with Group TCs to assess which Forums best match their interests (and would attract their papers)  Solidify the “shadowing” and advanced planning for Forum leadership positions  Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems TC needs to decide which Forum to associate with Goal: Craft forward looking vision for the Group Strategy  Expand participation in Group planning activities: Chairs and Vice-chairs invited to Group meetings at Aviation and SciTech  Review affiliation with PCs and engage/continue engagement with with PCs that have natural affiliation with AAGS 5

6 Initiative 2: Group and Event Naming and Branding Issue: ATIO integration into Aviation Forum  Roles and responsibilities at TC/discipline level in Forum organization  Historically ATIO was multidisciplinary conference versus a “discipline-centric”, TC-focused meeting (e.g., fluid dynamics conference) Issue: Current Group name does not capture full portfolio of the group (e.g., air transportation, operations). Perhaps a more descriptive name for the Group is needed:  Aircraft Technology Integration & Operations Group (ATIOG) or  Aircraft and Aviation Operations Group (AAOG) 6

7 Forum Activities 2014  Sessions at SciTech  Aviation 2014: Our main event –Dave Maroney- General Chair –Rich Wahls- Forum 360 Chair –Dani Soban- Co-Technical Chair 2015  Sessions at SciTech  Aviation 2015: Our main event –Rich Wahls- General Chair –Vince Schultz- Co-Technical Chair –Cees Bill- ATIO focal and shadowing Vince  Aerodynamic Decelerator conference in March (final instance of this event)* 7

8 Future Plans Increased Emphasis on Forum Integration : Rick Mange will join Group leadership as a Deputy Director to help David Maroney with the overall strategy of our forum participation and integration Target of Opportunity : ICAS 2020 or 2022. Intent to submit a successful bid to host the event in the US. Proposal has to be submitted by May of 2016. 8


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