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JAMES BAIL BONDS INC Mr. Simon P. Ano Murder Mystery.

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2 JAMES BAIL BONDS INC Mr. Simon P. Ano Murder Mystery

3 The Characters Simon P. Ano.....................................................the Victim Inspector Dumas Dornob...............................the Inspector Ima Bimbeaux....................................................the Nurse Golda Digger......................................................the Victim’s Wife Hafa Note............................................................the Best Friend Lyan D. Vios.......................................................the Business Partner Techno G. Eek-Honeybear..............................the Baclofen Pump Technician Les Maka Deal...................................................Music Industry Dealer


5 CHARACTERS Nurse for Mr. Simon P. Ano. Worked for 3 years. Answered an ad. Has had problems with medical equipment in the past. Heard Mr. Note thought it was odd Mr. Ano had his accident because he was a careful driver. Heard Mr. Ano asked his wife to kill him using pills in the past, but she said she never would. Doesn’t like being teased by Vios and Digger about Haff Note. Glad Mr. Ano stopped being depressed. Checked on Mr. Ano at 10:45 pm the night before his death-sleeping peacefully, vitals normal.

6 CHARACTERS Saw Vios and Digger in the library having drinks before going to her room. Took a sleeping pill before going to sleep. Woke at 6:45 am hearing an alarm. Could not find phone. Found Ano with lips andfingernails blue. Turned off monitors. Called 911. Saw Vios and Digger coming downstairs laughing after death. Thinks Vios and Digger may have something going on.

7 CHARACTERS Simon P. Ano’s Wife; happily married. Actress Helps Mr. Vios with the books. Occasionally goes to the theater or concerts with Mr. Vios at Mr. Ano’s request. Last saw Mr. Ano alive around midnight on the evening before he died; woke him, gave him a kiss at around midnight and left him talking with Mr. Vios. Woke at around 6am and worked on the books with Mr. Vios upstairs until around 7am. Ima Bimbeaux told her that Simon was dead, almost fainted, was taken to the sofa by Mr. Vios. Sole beneficiary to Simon P. Ano’s estate because she manages the accounts better.

8 CHARACTERS Detective in charge of the investigation of Simon P. Ano’s Murder.

9 CHARACTERS Good friend of Mr. Ano; I am what some may call Ano’s music buddy. We had a friendly rivalry that made each of us a better musician. My nickname is Bites. Ima Bimbeaux seems to like me. Lately I’ve been visiting my friend Ano quite frequently and this seems to be helping alleviate his depression. Simon P. Ano, Mr. Vios, and myself have a business partnership: The Musical Misnotes. I was supposed to accompany my friend Mr. Ano at his Carnegie hall Concert on February 14, 2000. I didn’t accompany him on that occasion due tohis near-fatal accident. Back in high school Melissa Schoeling wanted me to be her King instead of Mr. Ano. Detectives found my medication in Ima’s room.

10 CHARACTERS Contacted Haff Note about Simon's concert. Also had contacted Simon about the concert. Was very excited about the possibility of becoming rich with Simon P. Ano’s return.

11 CHARACTERS One of Simon's and Haff Note's business partners. I had last talked to Simon the night before he died. Met with Golda Digger the morning Simon died. Heard a loud beeping noise coming from Simon's body after he died.

12 CHARACTERS Mr. Ano's Baclofen pump technician. Did not know of Ano's dead until he was being interviewed by Officer Rick Swartz. I was not aware of his death because I was out-of-town in a conference in Washington. About 4 weeks prior to the interview I had done some maintenance to the Baclofen pump and everything looked fine. I have known Ima since the 4th grade. She gave me the nickname Honeybear back in High School. We text each other to see who could do it faster.




16 CONCLUSION Who? Haff Note-AKA Techno G. Eek Ima Bimbeaux-AKA Melissa Schoeling How? Haff Note got Ima the job working for Simon P. Ano after his attempt to get rid of him in the car accident in 2000 failed. She worked as the nurse and brought in Haff Note as a technician for the Baclofen pump. Simon P. Ano would often drift off throughout the day, so it was easy for her to time his visit for a time when Golda and Vios were working on the books or at a concert and for Ano to be resting. They rigged the pump to provide a sufficiently large enough dose to cause the muscles to relax and could cause him to go into a coma. When a Baclophen pump runs low, an alarm sounds. This was the alarm that was sounding at the time of his death. Since the pump was serviced just 2 weeks prior to Ano's death, it can be determined that the pump was somehow related to his death. His nurse and the technician would have the needed access to this equipment. When? The pump was worked on 2 weeks prior to his death, so the final plan took place then. Ima could have set the pump to malfunciton after she went to sleep for the night. Why? Haff has been jealous of Simon since high school. He has played second fiddle to him since then and Ima has watched it since then. They designed this plan to get Ano out of the way so Note could stand out for a change. Since Haff Note has not been taking his bipolar medications for the past year, he was more susceptible to Ima's suggestions. She has always loved Haff Note, so she wanted him to be number one.

17 JAMES BAIL BONDS INC Mr. Simon P. Ano Murder Mystery By Christine Ximenes, Sergio Perez, and Conrado Gonzalez

18 CREDITS Christine Ximenes: Wiki Master Sergio Perez: Record Keeper Master Conrado Gonzalez: PowerPoint Master Done on PowerPoint: Mac 2011 Music by Sidney Bechet: “Blame it on the Blues”


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