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+ Reading with Your Child By: Rachael Gittings. + Create Bonds Read to them Ask Questions Twenty minutes a night.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Reading with Your Child By: Rachael Gittings. + Create Bonds Read to them Ask Questions Twenty minutes a night."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Reading with Your Child By: Rachael Gittings

2 + Create Bonds Read to them Ask Questions Twenty minutes a night

3 + Reading Growth Children read earlier Finds interest in books and reading Develops imagination and creativity Expression of feelings and thoughts Loves to read

4 + Reading Grows Over time reading will have a huge impact on your child. They will learn, grow, and develop so much through reading. Speech will improve.

5 + Challenge Your Children Children understand reading that is 2-3 years beyond their level Show them maps to read and learn “Who?, What?, When?, Where?” Ask them questions about different types of reading

6 + Reading Promote reading as an importance Don’t force it Make it a privilege, not a chore

7 + Promote it! Give them books as gifts Have a book shelf eye level Let them pick out new books You read daily for pleasure Read around them

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