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Project 1: Creating Newsletters Module 2: Becoming Ethical Journalists.

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2 Project 1: Creating Newsletters Module 2: Becoming Ethical Journalists

3 Becoming Ethnical Journalists Unethical Journalistic Practice A Major Journalistic Risk: Plagiarism Planning Newsletter Content Journalistic Writing Basics Researching and Writing

4 Ethical Questions to Ask  What should be reported?  How should information be acquired?  How should information be presented and to whom?  Should material which is especially graphic or explicit be published?  Who should/should not be interviewed?  Who should/should not be quoted?  What should be included, and what should be left out?

5 Ethical Journalism One of the main duties of a journalist is to further public enlightenment "by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues." (The Preamble of the Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists )

6 Exercise 2.1 Unethical Journalistic Plagiarism Discuss in your teams: Can you provide examples of irresponsible or unethical journalism? Is plagiarism a major problem at your school? How has your school dealt with issues of plagiarism? What have been the consequences for students caught plagiarizing? Summarize your team’s opinions on plagiarism at school.

7 Exercise 2.2 Purpose and Audience What will be the purpose of your team’s newsletter? Who is the targeted audience for your team’s newsletter? Brainstorm types of information targeted audience would find useful.

8 News Report Article: A short summary, write- up, or account of a news item News Interview Article: A summary of an interview Investigative Report: Includes research that affects the audience, and the use of the data Speech or Event Article: Written after listening to a public speech, press conference, or some other public event Planning Content: Newsletter Contents 4 Types of News Articles:

9 Additional Features Articles Select at least two categories for two features articles from the list below: Advice Column Editorial Letter to the Editor Advertisements Comic Strip Community Events Arts/Entertainment Calendar Announcements Survey Graphs Travel Information Weather Forecast Personal Profiles How-to Tips for a Product or Service

10 Suggested Website Resources for Journalists Journalism Resources Journalism Resources at Web English Teacher PowerReporting: Resources for Journalists

11 Exercise 2.3 Team Roles and Responsibilities Managing Editor: Oversees the production of the newsletter News Editor: Responsible for final editing of news articles Features Editor: Responsible for final editing of features articles Layout Design Editor: Responsible for overall layout and design of the newsletter

12 Journalistic Writing Style Basics News reports are objective Writing is clear, concise and to the point Written in the third person Use short sentences Includes direct quotes from witnesses or those involved Factually accurate Avoid overly wordy paragraphs

13 Journalistic Writing Style Basics Lead paragraph –Answers the five W’s and H rule Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How? –Hooks readers Headline is catchy Include appropriate sources or citations –For help citing sources: Citation MachineCitation Machine

14 Interviewing Tips Be prepared Pre-write 20 questions Make an appointment, arrive on time dressed appropriately Remember to bring a pencil and paper Introduce yourself Use good eye contact and speak clearly Double check dates and correct spelling of names

15 Interviewing Tips Ask open-ended questions Don’t ask negative questions Don’t promise what will be printed Have a note-taking system Write only important details down Use abbreviations If you plan on taping the interview, ask the interviewee first!

16 Exercise 2.4 Setting up Team Folders

17 Exercise 2.5: Writing Your Articles Open Microsoft Word XP Create a New Document (Save the file in your team folder in the appropriate place) Research and write the first draft of the article

18 Exercise 2.6: Editing and Revising News Editor – edits all news articles Features Editor – edits all features articles and assists News Editor Use Reviewing and Track Changes in Word Article’s author accepts/rejects final editing changes

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