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1 Bayesian Essentials Slides by Peter Rossi and David Madigan.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Bayesian Essentials Slides by Peter Rossi and David Madigan."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Bayesian Essentials Slides by Peter Rossi and David Madigan

2 2 Distribution Theory 101 Marginal and Conditional Distributions: X Y 1 1 uniform

3 3 Simulating from Joint To draw from the joint: i. Draw from marginal on X ii. Condition on this draw, and draw from conditional of Y|X library(triangle) x <- rtriangle(NumDraws,0,1,1) y <- runif(NumDraws,0,x) plot(x,y)

4 4 Triangular Distribution If U~ unif(0,1), then: sqrt(U) has the standard triangle distribution If U1, U2 ~ unif(0,1), then: Y=max{U1,U2} has the standard triangle distribution

5 Sampling Importance Resampling 5 f g draw a big sample from g sub-sample from that sample with probability f/g

6 Metropolis 6 start with current = 0.5 to get the next value: draw a “proposal” from g keep with probability f(proposal)/f(current) else keep current f g

7 7 The Goal of Inference Make inferences about unknown quantities using available information. Inference -- make probability statements unknowns -- parameters, functions of parameters, states or latent variables, “future” outcomes, outcomes conditional on an action Information – data-based non data-based theories of behavior; subjective views; mechanism parameters are finite or in some range

8 8 p(θ|D) α p(D| θ) p(θ) Posterior α “Likelihood” × Prior Modern Bayesian computing– simulation methods for generating draws from the posterior distribution p(θ|D). Bayes theorem

9 9 Summarizing the posterior Output from Bayesian Inference: A possibly high dimensional distribution Summarize this object via simulation: marginal distributions of don’t just compute Contrast with Sampling Theory: point est/standard error summary of irrelevant dist bad summary (normal) Limitations of asymptotics

10 10 Metropolis Start somewhere with θ current To get the next value, generate a proposal θ proposal Accept with “probability”: else keep currrent

11 11 Example Believe these measurements (D) come from N(μ,1): 0.9072867 -0.4490744 -0.1463117 0.2525023 0.9723840 -0.8946437 - 0.2529104 0.5101836 1.2289795 0.5685497 Prior for μ? p(μ) = 2μ

12 12 Example continued p(D|μ)? 0.9072867 -0.4490744 -0.1463117 0.2525023 0.9723840 -0.8946437 - 0.2529104 0.5101836 1.2289795 0.5685497 y 1,…,y 10 switch to R… other priors? unif(0,1), norm(0,1), norm(0,100) generating good candidates?

13 13 Prediction See D, compute : “Predictive Distribution” future observable

14 14 Bayes/Classical Estimators Prior washes out – locally uniform!!! Bayes is consistent unless you have dogmatic prior.

15 15 Bayesian Computations Before simulation methods, Bayesians used posterior expectations of various functions as summary of posterior. If p(θ|D) is in a convenient form (e.g. normal), then I might be able to compute this for some h.

16 16 Conjugate Families Models with convenient analytic properties almost invariably come from conjugate families. Why do I care now? - conjugate models are used as building blocks - build intuition re functions of Bayesian inference Definition: A prior is conjugate to a likelihood if the posterior is in the same class of distributions as prior. Basically, conjugate priors are like the posterior from some imaginary dataset with a diffuse prior.

17 17 Beta-Binomial model Need a prior!

18 18 Beta distribution

19 19 Posterior

20 20 Prediction

21 21 Regression model

22 22 Bayesian Regression Prior: Inverted Chi-Square: Interpretation as from another dataset. Draw from prior?

23 23 Posterior

24 24 Combining quadratic forms

25 25 Posterior

26 26 IID Simulations 3) Repeat 1) Draw [  2 | y, X] 2) Draw [  |  2,y, X] Scheme: [y|X, ,  2 ] [  |  2 ] [  2 ] [ ,  2 |y,X]  [  2 | y,X] [  |  2,y,X]

27 27 IID Simulator, cont.

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