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Making Good Choices BY: Mrs. Frazier. Choices or Decisions A choice is a decision. You make thousands of decisions every day. Some decisions are simple.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Good Choices BY: Mrs. Frazier. Choices or Decisions A choice is a decision. You make thousands of decisions every day. Some decisions are simple."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Good Choices BY: Mrs. Frazier

2 Choices or Decisions A choice is a decision. You make thousands of decisions every day. Some decisions are simple and some decisions are hard. Sometimes you may need some help making a decision.

3 Steps to making a decision S --- Look at the situation or decision to be made. O ---Look at all the options or choices. C ---Think of the consequences. S ---Pick the best solution for you. E ---Evaluate your decision. If it was a good decision then keep doing it. If it was a decision that did not work for you or had a bad or sad consequence then think about it and make a different decision next time.

4 Stop and think Beeee! GOOOD Before you make a decision stop and think about the consequences. It is hard to make the right decision, but it is worth it. Make decisions that will help you to be a good learner, friend and family member. B

5 Making Smart Decisions Weighing Pros and Cons Write the problem on a piece of paper. Should I spend all my money on a video game? Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper and label the columns “pros” and “cons”. Fill out both sides with the positive and the negatives.

6 What would you do? A friend invited you over to their house to watch a movie. It was a movie that had inappropriate words or was really scary. You know that it is not a movie that your parents would approve of. What would you do? Think of your options and the consequences of your decision. Make the best choice for you.

7 What would you do? You are playing outside and you find a really cool i-pod. You would really like to have it. No one is looking. What would you do? Think of your choices and the consequences of your decision. Make the best decision for you.

8 What would you do? You forgot your homework. It is due today and it is worth a lot of points. Your best friend has it done and you could copy it really fast. What would you do? Think about your choices and the consequences of your choices. Make the best choice for you.

9 What would you do? You have been invited to a birthday party. And, then you get invited to go to a Chiefs game. You have never been to a Chief’s game. What are you going to do? Think about your choices and the consequences of your choices. Make the best choice for you.

10 What would you do? You are at a friend’s house. You are playing and having fun and then all of a sudden your friend wants to get on a website that is off limits at your house. What are you going to do? Think about your choices and the consequences of your choices. Make the best decision for you.

11 What would you do? You are at the store with a friend. They really want this new CD. They try and talk you into stealing the CD. What are you going to do? Think about your choices and the consequences of your decision. Make the best decision for you.

12 What would you do? A friend brings something to school that could be dangerous. They have a pumpkin carving knife that they bring to boy scout camp. They use it to scare someone at recess. Think about your choices and the consequences of your choices. Make the best decision for you.

13 If you had a tough decision to make, who would you talk to? Think of someone you trust. Think of an adult you could talk to. Who are some adults you could talk to about a tough decision. 1. 2. 3.

14 Easy and Hard Decisions What are some tough decisions you have made? What are some easy decisions you have made? Is there a decision you made that you wish you could change or do over?

15 Making Good Choices Stop and think!!! How will this decision affect me and how will it affect others?

16 Every day you will make thousand of decisions. Some will be simple and some will be more difficult. Think of the consequences of your choices. The more decisions you make the better you will become at making decisions. Ask for help if you need it.

17 Fun Decision Making Game Paper Plate Drawing project Listen to Mrs. Frazier for directions

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