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Moving Objects. Objectives You will know …  the Stage default dimensions are 550 x 400 px  The Flash coordinate system  How to write a function to.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving Objects. Objectives You will know …  the Stage default dimensions are 550 x 400 px  The Flash coordinate system  How to write a function to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving Objects

2 Objectives You will know …  the Stage default dimensions are 550 x 400 px  The Flash coordinate system  How to write a function to move objects  Left, right, up, down, and diagonally  How to screen wrap a moving object so it repeats its movement  How to set objects at random locations  Initially  When screen wrapping  How to run your function using an add event listener  How to turn off your function a remove event listener

3 Flash Coordinate System.x is used to move objects from side to side.y is used to move objects up or down

4 Flash Coordinate System Stage is 5550 px wide and 400 px high (default) An object moving right has an increasing x coordinate The Stage’s x-axis goes from 0 to 550

5 Flash Coordinate System Stage is 5550 px wide and 400 px high (default) An object moving left has an decreasing x coordinate The Stage’s x-axis goes from 0 to 550

6 Flash Coordinate System Stage is 5550 px wide and 400 px high (default) An object moving down has an increasing y coordinate y-axis goes from 0 to 400

7 Flash Coordinate System Stage is 5550 px wide and 400 px high (default) An object moving up has an decreasing y coordinate y-axis goes from 0 to 400

8 Flash Coordinate System Stage is 5550 px wide and 400 px high (default) An object moving diagonally has a change to both the x and the y coordinates (increasing and/or decreasing)

9  This function moves three objects down the Stage Write a Function function moveRocks (e:Event) { rock1.y = rock1.y + 20; //falling rocks rock2.y = rock2.y + 25; rock3.y = rock3.y + 15; } Made up name Varying speeds 3 rocks Notice it is Event, not MouseEvent

10  Use a combination operator to write shorter statements cloud.x += 10;  This makes an object with instance name ‘cloud’ move right 10 pixels at a time  The longer way to write the same instruction is cloud.x = cloud.x + 10; Combination Operators

11 Updating Any Movie Clip Property Continuously (Examples) Rotate Clockwise hand.rotation += 10; Rotate Counter-Clockwise wheel.rotation -= 10; Increase in Size shape.width +=10; shape.height += 10; Move to the Right car.x += 5; Move to the Left car.x -= 5; Decrease in Size star.width -= 10; star.height -= 10; Move Up bullet.y -= 7; Move Down bullet.y += 7; Increase Proportionately shape.scaleX +=.05; shape.scaleY +=.05; Fade Out ghost.alpha -=.05; Fade In ghost.alpha +=.05; Decrease Proportionately star.scaleX -=.05; star.scaleY -=.05;

12  Often we want to repeat our movements when an object leaves the Stage so we will add if statements to screen wrap Screen Wrap function moveCloud(e:Event) { cloud.x = cloud.x - 10; //moves left if(cloud.x < 0) { cloud.x = 560; //re-set stage right }

13  When your game starts, usually we want our moving objects to begin at random locations  Add code to the main Script pane (not in a function) to set a random start position for each object Random Locations cloud.y = Math.random() * 400; Multiply by 400 so the cloud can randomly be placed on the y-axis anywhere from 0 up to 400

14  As the moving object is screen wrapped, reset it to a new random location Random Locations function moveCloud(e:Event) { cloud.x = cloud.x - 10; //moves left if(cloud.x < 0) { cloud.y = Math.random() * 400; cloud.x = 560; //re-set stage right } random y location

15  To run your function you can add an event listener which calls each function  You will use the ENTER_FRAME event to make a continuous change Add Your Event Listeners addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveRocks);

16  Before you leave a page (to win or lose, for example) you MUST remove all event Listeners that have an ENTER_FRAME event type  Example: You win the game if your score reaches 20 Remove Your Event Listeners! if score == 20) { removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveStuff); gotoAndStop(3); //win page }

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