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LING 388: Language and Computers Sandiway Fong Lecture 21.

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Presentation on theme: "LING 388: Language and Computers Sandiway Fong Lecture 21."— Presentation transcript:

1 LING 388: Language and Computers Sandiway Fong Lecture 21

2 From the course website, incorporates: – perfective have, progressive be and passive be perfective have perfective have progressive be progressive be passive be passive be main verb Start

3 S rules:

4 VP rules:

5 Auxiliary verb rules:

6 NP rules:

7 Lexical rules for determiners and nouns:

8 Lexical rules for main verbs:

9 SBAR rules: Subject verb agreement table:

10 Case Constraint there is a Case Constraint on pronouns Examples 1.I ate the sandwich(active with subject pronoun) 2.*me ate the sandwich 3.the boy saw me(active with object pronoun) 4.*the boy saw I 5.the sandwich was eaten(passive) 6.*the sandwich was ate 7.the sandwich was eaten by me(passive + subject in by-phrase) 8.*the sandwich was eaten by I

11 Case Constraint We need to add a lexical feature Case to all NPs, currently NPs report Parse, Person and Number: Since common and proper nouns can appear in any position, we leave Case unrestricted, i.e. set the value of Case to be the anonymous variable (_) for those NPs

12 Case Constraint We need to add lexical entries for pronouns to report the value of Person, Number and Case Values: nom Nominative acc Accusative Values: nom Nominative acc Accusative

13 Case Constraint NPs are inserted as subject and object of clauses (also objects of prepositions) Values: nom Nominative acc Accusative Values: nom Nominative acc Accusative Values: nom NominativeSubject positions acc AccusativeObject positions Values: nom NominativeSubject positions acc AccusativeObject positions nom

14 Case Constraint NPs are inserted as subject and object of clauses (also objects of prepositions) Values: nom NominativeSubject positions acc AccusativeObject positions Values: nom NominativeSubject positions acc AccusativeObject positions acc

15 PP by-Phrase Example: – The sandwich had been eaten by me/him/*I/*he – Parse? Only one by-phrase (agent) is allowed It attaches to the vbn (-en) verb following passive be in the Stanford Parser Only one by-phrase (agent) is allowed It attaches to the vbn (-en) verb following passive be in the Stanford Parser acc

16 PP by-Phrase Modify the vp_passive rule associated with passive be: Desired output:

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