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Marine and Estuarine Goal Setting for South Florida MARES IMPACT workshop January 11, 2010 NOAA/AOML Miami, Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "Marine and Estuarine Goal Setting for South Florida MARES IMPACT workshop January 11, 2010 NOAA/AOML Miami, Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine and Estuarine Goal Setting for South Florida MARES IMPACT workshop January 11, 2010 NOAA/AOML Miami, Florida

2 MARES Background information 3 year project Kick-off in September 2009 NOAA’s Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research

3 MARES goal To reach a science-based consensus about the defining characteristics and fundamental regulating processes of a South Florida coastal marine ecosystem that is both sustainable and capable of providing the diverse ecological services upon which our society depends Ecosystem system goal setting

4 Players Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (University of Miami) 50+ Pis Administrative staff

5 Process Project Briefings to administrators and researchers Workshop to develop Integrated Conceptual Ecosystem Models (ICEMS) Workshop to identify Quantitative Ecosystem Indicators (QEIs) Public meetings to review results Total Marine Ecosystem Assessment Report Card Using existing datasets

6 MARES regions

7 Where are we today? Held first ICEM workshop December (FKDT) Planning QEI workshop in March (FKDT) Scheduling future workshops for other regions Drafting ICEM report with ICEM model for use in identifying Indicators and engaging resource managers NOAA logic model approach – planning for outputs

8 IMPACT Relevance Climate Component Human Dimensions Science Component – Opportunity to review findings regarding HDS – Florida Keys and Dry Tortugas sub-region is the first to be developed (January draft ICEM doc) Opportunities for collaboration with FKDT region Potential to obtain information for IMPACT -climate data -human dimensions science -possibility to use MARES outputs DPSIR model

9 For more information Website – – Join the listserv (lower right column on home page) Pamela Fletcher Florida Sea Grant and NOAA/AOML

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