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ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Transportation Committee Meeting January 27, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Transportation Committee Meeting January 27, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Transportation Committee Meeting January 27, 2012

2 Interstate 430/630 Interchange Improvement Project

3 Aerial Photo: 4/19/2007 Before Construction


5 Under Construction

6 I-430 SB to I-630 EB Flyover Baptist Hospital Access I-630 WB to I-430 SB Flyover Shackleford Road and Financial Center Parkway Grade Separation I-430 NB to I-630 EB Flyover Proposed Project



9 I-430 SB to I-630 EB Flyover I-630 WB to I-430 SB Flyover I-430 NB to I-630 EB Flyover I-630 WB to I-430 SB Flyover

10 Aesthetics

11 Maintenance of Traffic


13 Shackleford Road Utility Relocation

14 An Award Winning Project 14

15 Visit us at

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