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“The Washwoman” Isaac Singer- shared much of his experiences growing up in the city of Warsaw and being Jewish in his writing.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Washwoman” Isaac Singer- shared much of his experiences growing up in the city of Warsaw and being Jewish in his writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Washwoman” Isaac Singer- shared much of his experiences growing up in the city of Warsaw and being Jewish in his writing.

2 Major Characters: Washwoman- an aging Christian woman whose son has disowned her. The Jewish Boy- the little boy who the washwoman describes as looking like Jesus. Jewish mother- dislikes her son being compared to Jesus but learns to admire the washwoman.

3 Setting: Early 20 th Century Poland

4 Plot: Introduction/Exposition- an older Christian woman does the wash for a Jewish family. Conflict- the washwoman becomes sick and the Jewish family is concerned for her Climax- The washwoman struggles through getting her job done. Resolution- Although the washwoman dies, she gets her job done.

5 Theme: Friendship can transcend differences and sticking to your word.

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