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Public Private Dialogue The PSFU Experience by Gideon Badagawa Director, Policy Advocacy A presentation to the PPD Workshop Dakar Senegal 3 rd April 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Private Dialogue The PSFU Experience by Gideon Badagawa Director, Policy Advocacy A presentation to the PPD Workshop Dakar Senegal 3 rd April 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Private Dialogue The PSFU Experience by Gideon Badagawa Director, Policy Advocacy A presentation to the PPD Workshop Dakar Senegal 3 rd April 2008

2 2 Mandate of PSFU Policy Advocacy Forum for dialogue Capacity Building Policy research and advocacy for the Uganda private sector Provide a forum for policy dialogue with government Capacity building for the private sector

3 3 Partnerships in PPD Development Partners Government: Public–Private Partnerships PSFU Members PSFU Civil Society (NGO Forum, UDN) Private-Private Partnerships

4 4 Board Committee on Policy and Action PSFU Policy Committees PSFU Members (Sectors, Associations, Firms) Manufacturing Agriculture Services Tourism Consultations within PSFU and the private sector Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 BUDS-EDS BUDS-ERT Trade

5 5 Rationale for the Committees To provide a forum for constructive dialogue with government To provide a forum for constructive dialogue with government To articulate the concerns of the private sector and monitor implementation of government policies To articulate the concerns of the private sector and monitor implementation of government policies To influence policy from the private sector eye To influence policy from the private sector eye

6 6 An Example of the Consultative Process: Participation in the Budget process National Activity (Oct-Dec every year) National Activity (Oct-Dec every year) Budget Sector Working Groups (SWGs) Budget Sector Working Groups (SWGs) Mobilisation of Private Sector to participate in the discussions Mobilisation of Private Sector to participate in the discussions – use of champions SWG Budget Framework Papers prepared SWG Budget Framework Papers prepared SWG Retreat organised SWG Retreat organised Harmonisation of BFP for discussion and endorsement by Cabinet Harmonisation of BFP for discussion and endorsement by Cabinet Development of Budget strategy Development of Budget strategy Public Expenditure Review (PER) Meeting Public Expenditure Review (PER) Meeting

7 7 Key Outputs over the past one year 1 Annual Platform For Action Policy Document 5 position papers on pension sector reforms, counterfeiting, inland port, Agricultural finance, Mortgage Bill 14 Policy updates on transport, energy, agriculture, counterfeits, Tourism, PIRT and competitiveness forum 3 Research reports on the National Business Register, National Firm Survey and Impact of the Energy Crisis on Firms in Uganda 7 policy briefs on Agrochemical Input Regulation, Industrial Policy, Standards and Standards Related Strategy, National Export Strategy, MSME Policy and Financial Markets Development 2 Background papers on tourism and MSMEs 5 sector briefs on fish, flower, tourism and coffee 2 semi-annual cost of doing business comparisons in EA

8 8 Key Achievements Quarterly meetings with HE and Government officials Quarterly meetings with HE and Government officials  Squashing of planned Inland Port Monopoly  Deferment of an 8% increase in cost of doing business due to the national health insurance bill  62 Billion Shillings to mitigate shock in electricity tariffs  Zero-Rating of diesel for industrial generators  Zero-rating of raw materials in the EAC Customs Union

9 9 Annual Public Expenditure Reviews (PER) Quarterly Parliamentary committee meetings Post Budget meetings with Minister of Finance

10 10 Some Successes for PSFU Fiscal policy reforms Reforms in the URA Reforms in the URA Tax Appeals Tribunal established Tax Appeals Tribunal established Waiver of tax on raw materials Waiver of tax on raw materials Tax relief under the EAC Customs Union Tax relief under the EAC Customs Union Tax waiver on Solar Equipment and Accessories Tax waiver on Solar Equipment and Accessories

11 11 Some Successes for PSFU cntd Other reforms Measures to resolve the power crisis agreed Measures to resolve the power crisis agreed Upgrading of waterways, road and rail infrastructure Upgrading of waterways, road and rail infrastructure Pronouncement on Pension reforms Pronouncement on Pension reforms Streamlining of Public Procurement Streamlining of Public Procurement Institutional support to UNBS Institutional support to UNBS Financial sector reforms Financial sector reforms

12 12 Some Successes for PSFU - cntd Support to the agricultural sector announced Support to the agricultural sector announced Tourism: Upcountry airfields are being upgraded to make domestic air transport more efficient Tourism: Upcountry airfields are being upgraded to make domestic air transport more efficient Parliament now publishing legislative agenda for public information and comments Parliament now publishing legislative agenda for public information and comments National Planning Authority established National Planning Authority established


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