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Presentation on theme: " Contributer Training SharePoint 2013 Orientation and Basic Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contributer Training SharePoint 2013 Orientation and Basic Training

2 Introduction  Why are you here?  SharePoint 2013 and  Today’s Schedule

3 Introduction Hello I'm: ​ Michael Robinson  County employee for 16 years ​  Public Information -Web Services ​  I work with SharePoint...a lot  There is another Michael Robinson that works for the county. I am Michael N. Robinson

4 You are Part of the Web Hierarchy

5 What is SharePoint? ​  SharePoint is a content management system ​ and collaboration tool  SharePoint was developed by Microsoft for the purpose of content and document management ​  The new is built for SharePoint 2013 ​  SharePoint allows contributors to edit websites without having to know technical scripting languages. ​

6 Working With Files and Documents  Allowed files types: ​  PowerPoint ​  Excel ​  Word ​  Adobe PDF ​  ZIP  Video Files (MP4) ​  Audio Files (MP3) ​  Picture Library, Document Library, Lists, Web Parts  All Files are subjected to the content retention policy as specified in the County’s Website Governance.  You can view the Governance document on the support site.

7 You are a Contributor!  Add/Edit Page Content  Add images  Link to resources (documents)  Create new pages  Submit for approval and publication(by a Webmaster)

8 Contributor Roles & Responsibilities  Create and manage website content for departments ​  Be the conduit of information between departments and their websites ​  Review and edit content on a regular basis ​  Keep content accurate and updated ​  Abide by Web Governance ​

9 Webmaster Roles & Responsibilities ​  Manage SharePoint Content Management System ​  Develop and create new sites, features and functionality ​  Consult with departments on web-based projects ​  Train new and existing Content Contributors ​  Manage permissions ​  Enforce Web Governance ​

10 Public Information Roles & Responsibilities ​  Review and edit page content ​  Collaborate with departments to develop news releases ​  Collaborate with departments to integrate a social media strategy ​  Manage events calendar ​  Manage County and department news

11 City/County IT Roles & Responsibilities ​  Secures environment and manages firewall ​  Manages domain names ​  Manages Active Directory ​  Assists in User Profile Service synchronization ​  Assists with synchronizing SharePoint authentication with Active Directory ​

12 What Governance Covers on  Accessibility ​  Architecture ​  Authoring ​  Content Management ​  Customer Service ​  Design ​  Development ​  Document Management ​  Domains & Sub- Domains ​  Site Management ​  User Access ​

13 Exercises  Log on to your PC using your own user ID and password  Open Internet Explorer  Go to: mecklenburg/county/training/Pages/def ault.aspx mecklenburg/county/training/Pages/def ault.aspx  Click on today's date under “Class”  Any Questions?

14 Editing Pages  Gear Icon (formerly the Site Actions button)  Edit text on an Existing Page  Add additional pages  View Site Contents  Show/Hide Ribbon Menu

15 View Mode vs. Edit Mode View Mode Edit Mode

16 When you edit a page THAT PAGE IS “CHECKED OUT” TO YOU Editing Pages

17 When you begin editing a page it will look like this. Your ribbon menu options will change as you add content to the editable areas of the page.

18 Contributor Tasks – Time to Add Content  Edit page properties  Create a new page  Ribbon Toolbar Overview  Insert text into your pages  Proper formatting of text  Upload images and documents to SharePoint  Proper formatting of images  Create links  Link to a page – (in your sub-site + others)  Link to a document  Creating and working with SharePoint lists

19 Contributor Tasks – Edit page properties These page properties help us make search and our events calendar work better.

20 Contributor Tasks – Ribbon Toolbar Overview  Ribbon Menu  Edit text on an Existing Page  Add links, graphics, and documents  Preview your changes  Check spelling  Submit for Approval  You see additional ribbon menu options when you add content to the page  If you don’t see the Ribbon, go to gear and click Show Ribbon

21 Contributor Tasks – Insert text into your pages  Copy and paste content from the web, an email, or a word document in plain text by first putting it in notepad or using the paste in plain text command.  Use the formatting tools in the page ribbon menu to add acceptable formatting.

22 Contributor Tasks – Upload images and documents to SharePoint Before uploading images, resize them and optimize them for the web. Add images to your site by uploading them to the images library. However the better way to do this is through site contents. Add your files to the correct library type. When updating your files, keep your file names the same and overwrite what’s there. SharePoint will keep track of the versions as new version. Once you add an image to the page new ribbon options will appear when those items are selected. Fill in alt text for those images.

23 Contributor Tasks – Link to a page – (in your sub- site + others) Link to a document  You can create links by using the link ribbon command on the insert tab.  This command creates links to documents, internal pages, and external websites. Once you create a link new ribbon options will appear when those links are selected. Fill in the Description for the links

24 Contributor Tasks – Creating a page  Create a new page by going to the gear and selecting add a page or by selecting New from the Page ribbon menu  In this version there are some new properties you have to define when you create a new page

25 Contributor Tasks – Delete a Page  Deleting stuff is important in keeping search working correctly! If the content is old, get rid of it!  Deleting a page sends the page to the Recycle Bin  To restore a page, go to the gear and choose Site contents. Then choose Recycle Bin and find the item you need to restore.  Sites, lists, files, and document libraries all go to a site or site collection recycle bin.

26 Versioning  The edits on your page are kept track of in the “Version History”  You can restore previous versions of pages at any time.

27 Other things you should know  The location where you make edits is different from the live site. Make your edits here: g/county/ g/county/  Our SharePoint environment can be quirky. If you notice something odd, let your webmaster know.  Everything in SharePoint is a SharePoint list. If in doubt, put it in a list.  Create views instead of folders.  Webmasters can help you make your site the best it can be. If you run into problems contact your webmaster.  When in doubt contact a Webmaster by sending an email to  Use the Support site on to find information to help contributors.

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