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Rec 3530 Program Planning in Recreation and Parks Chapter 13 Managing Risks in Leisure Programs “Organ donor -- A person who doesn't wear a helmet.”

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Presentation on theme: "Rec 3530 Program Planning in Recreation and Parks Chapter 13 Managing Risks in Leisure Programs “Organ donor -- A person who doesn't wear a helmet.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rec 3530 Program Planning in Recreation and Parks Chapter 13 Managing Risks in Leisure Programs “Organ donor -- A person who doesn't wear a helmet.”

2 Risk Risk---the possibility of receiving harm from a hazard. Is the environment of the program free of unreasonable risk and foreseeable harm?

3 Risk, cont. Two types of risk: Injury to participants, users, visitors, volunteers and employees Financial loss to the organization or agency

4 Risk Management 1.Anticipating what might go wrong 2.Planning ways to avoid something going wrong 3.Responding appropriately when something does go wrong

5 I. Anticipating Risk Identify hazards----5 types: 1.Environmental 2.Infrastructure 3.Programmatic 4.Emergency care 5.Transportation Rate on probability and severity.

6 II. Planning for Risk Your Risk Management Plan is based on: Philosophical statement of organization or agency Requirements (ordinances, master plans, standards & regulations, health and safety laws Written document, regularly reviewed

7 II. Planning for Risk, cont. Contents of Risk Mgnmt Manual Philosophy Policies/contracts Conduct of programs & services Human Resource (HR) policies Supervision Emergency protocol Protection against criminal acts Transportation Developed areas and facilities

8 III. Responding to Accidents Priority of action First Aid and EMT provisions Evacuation options Emergency contact numbers (police, fire, etc.) Local hospital/doctors’ phone numbers Other relevant numbers (park ranger, etc.) Program supervisor’s mobile number

9 Accident Report Forms Identifying info (person, time, witnesses, supervision) Location Action of injured person Program context Procedures for first aid

10 Conducting Programs Carefully ( Safety doesn't happen by accident. ) Be Proactive---SAFETY FIRST! RulesAdequate skills Participant age& instruction & maturity Participant Warnings of risk experience Agreement to participate Safety equipment forms

11 Supervision Establish procedures for governing supervision and participant behavior, based on: PARTICIPANTS ACTIVITY ENVIRONMENT

12 Supervision, cont. General supervision---broad areas, visible availability, voice contact easily maintained – Ex: supervising a gym activity Specific supervision---small areas, direct and close visual and voice contact – Ex: skill instruction

13 Risk Management for Special Events Plans are prescreened Plans are reviewed by local law enforcement & community officials Necessary permits acquired Map Activities checked for appropriateness for participants Event leadership ratio adequate

14 Risk Management for Special Events, cont. Alternatives to adverse weather Crowd control plan devised Police coverage arranged Sufficient number of portable toilets arranged EMT or other first aid personnel onsite Incident/accident forms completed at end of event * * *

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