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The Zen of CRM Presented by: TranZen Inc. Montreal, Quebec October 07, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "The Zen of CRM Presented by: TranZen Inc. Montreal, Quebec October 07, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Zen of CRM Presented by: TranZen Inc. Montreal, Quebec October 07, 2002

2 TranZen Inc. 2 Objectives:  To Provide advice in the development and implementation of a successful CRM  To illustrate the success stories  To illustrate why many companies failed  To reveal the Customer Centric WTC Trinity  To display the 8 Right Paths of CRM…  To use the Trinity and Eight Right Paths to review some current CRM operations.  To offer a complete check-list for a CRM development and implementation  To offer a system to evaluate your success

3 TranZen Inc. 3 Customer Centric WTC  Customer Centric: There is no gap between how you perceive the Customers, and how the Customers perceive themselves.  W: Willingness – coming from the top Circle  T: Tools – or means of implementation  C: Culture – or the delivery coming from the heart.  The customers are the object of service delivery and subject of service evaluation.

4 TranZen Inc. 4 Zen of CRM  Perpetual awareness, on-going harmonizing.  When you are approaching ONE with your customers, you will be as ‘rich’ as your customers’ combined wealth.

5 TranZen Inc. 5 The Three Business Truths  Everything is continuously changing (Customers, Needs, Desires, Technologies, Employees, Competition, etc.)  Focusing on business results may lead to crooked business processes. Focusing on the right business processes will surely lead to the right results.  Success is measured by how well you satisfy your customers in relation to how much your customers need to be satisfied.

6 TranZen Inc. 6 The Eight Right Paths of CRM  Right View  Right Thought  Right Speech  Right Action  Right Process  Right Diligence  Right Recognition  Right Livelihood

7 TranZen Inc. 7 The Right View: Choose your targets You are in business for a reason, this is why you have to choose:  Who are your most desired customers?  Who would help you to repay your investments?  Who would just take up your resources?  Who would you want to keep as your lifetime customers?

8 TranZen Inc. 8 The Right View: Choose your battle PRODUCTPRICING ADV& PROMODISTRIBUTION BRAND 2 BRAND 3 Coverage PRICE COVERAGE Expenditure BRAND1 Innovation Lifestyle Orientation Mass Strategy Customer Care BRAND1 BRAND 3 BRAND 2 BRAND1 BRAND 3 BRAND 2 BRAND1 BRAND 3 BRAND 2 BRAND1

9 TranZen Inc. 9 Right Thought: Understand Impact of Touch Points  Telephone, voice mail  Face-to-face  Fax – e-mail  Website browsing, chatting  Selling Materials  Regular mail  Loyalty/credit cards  Surveys  Media TOUCH POINTS:  Ask a QUESTION  Ask us to DO something  Ask us to FIX a problem  Ask us to CARE WHAT ARE THE RESULTING NET IMPRESSIONS:  Frustrated?  Not impressed?  Neutral?  Satisfied and feel good?

10 TranZen Inc. 10 Are all touch points equally important?  What are the differentiators?  What are the functional values?  Which ones are drivers of emotional values?  How can we determine the weights of the key drivers?  Which touch points generate higher values?  Which touch points generate higher risk?

11 TranZen Inc. 11 The Right Speech  How do you convince stakeholders of importance of CRM?  Can Customer Centrism be made part of the Corporate Culture?  Can you synthesize the essence of CRM in to a ‘Best Selling Message’?  How can you convince Customers that you care and are genuinely honest in your best effort to serve their interest?

12 TranZen Inc. 12 The Right Action: One action at a time The most important action is to create mental and psychological commitments,  Internalization the mission, values,  Listening to your customers,  Select a core team to act as agent for harmonization.

13 TranZen Inc. 13 The Right Process  Team reassessment of the whole process under the new optics.  Defining the Business Process from customers’ point of view.  Review technological requirements based on how you plan to harmonize with your Customers  Taking care of all elements that have impact on customers’ happiness.  A CRM process is not complete without a PRM component. Partners/channels relation ship is an extension of the firm’s CRM

14 TranZen Inc. 14 The Right Diligence  Are you putting the money where your mouth is?  Appointment of a CCC (Chief of Customer Care), and an apparatus that will be the constant agents of harmonization.  Creating benchmark for evaluation of success.  Actively providing customer feedback to each unit responsible for the touch points.

15 TranZen Inc. 15 The Right Recognition  Reinforce the right behaviour by catching your employees when they are doing the right thing.  Celebrate when each team achieves CC target  Let the customers be the judge.

16 TranZen Inc. 16 The Right Livelihood  Your employees will treat one-another as internal customers, and hence deserve the utmost care and treatments.  Creating a ‘best company to work for’ type of atmosphere is a condition necessary for the success of a Customer Centric Culture.

17 TranZen Inc. 17 Results: Clarity of action and direction             

18 Conclusions What is the price of a failed attempt to obtain results from CRM? TZ will bring to you a level of comfort that is un- surpassed, a level of professionalism that is rare in the whole industry to ensure that all activities for Planning and Implementation are coordinated and achieved.

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