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Working Ontologist Ch. 9 Using RDFS-Plus in the wild 구해모 김윤승 박상훈 송용주 임유빈.

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1 Working Ontologist Ch. 9 Using RDFS-Plus in the wild 구해모 김윤승 박상훈 송용주 임유빈

2  Open Government Data  Friend of a Friend (FOAF)  Facebook’s Open Graph Protocol (OGP) Contents 2 / 34

3  To publish public information by US government from 2009 ‒ Data sets available in various machine-readable formats  Good example of “raw” data ‒ Not for particular application ‒ Reusable in multiple applications  Recent status (2015.11.28) ‒ 188,535 data sets ‒ 78 Agencies & 415 publishers ‒ 7071 datasets available in RDF ‒ Latest update on 2015.11.28 Open Government Data – 3 / 34

4  정부 3.0 패러다임의 영향  16 개 분야 20,050 개 데이터 셋  다양한 데이터 형식 지원 ‒ CSV, XML, RDF …  공공 데이터 포털 4 / 34

5  Office of Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity (FHEO) dataset ‒ Cases about alleged violations of Title VIII Fair Housing Act ‒ Originally released in spreadsheet Describing Data [1/5] original dataset :entry1 a dgtwc:DataEntry ; :case_number “03-08-0177-8" ; :color "0" ; :disability "1" ; :familial_status "0" ; :filed_cases "1" ; :filing_date “1/1/2008" ; :national_origin "0" ; :national_origin_hispanic "0" ; :race "0" ; :race_asian "0" ; :race_asian_and_white "0" ; :race_black_and_white "0" ; :race_black_or_african_american "0" ; :race_hawaiian_or_pacific_islander "0" ; :race_native_american "0" ; :race_native_american_and_black "0" ; :race_native_american_and_white "0" ; :race_other_multi_racial "0" ; :race_white "0" ; :religion "0" ; :retaliation "0" ; :sex "0" ; :violation_county “Sussex County" ; :violation_state “Delaware". 5 / 34

6  More flexible way to represent information as complaints FHEO:Color rdfs:subClassOf FHEO:Complaint. FHEO:Disability rdfs:subClassOf FHEO:Complaint. FHEO:FamilialStatus rdfs:subClassOf FHEO:Complaint. FHEO:NationalOrigin rdfs:subClassOf FHEO:Complaint....  Express status of :entry1 :entry1 a FHEO:Disability.  Modification on data with SPARQL CONSTRUCT {?e a FHEO:Disability} WHERE {?e a dgtwc:DataEntry. ?e :disability "1". } Describing Data [2/5] Complaint Disability subClassOf entry1 6 / 34

7  Relationship between data ‒ Is :race_Asian listed under :race ? ‒ Check with SPARQL query ASK {?a a FHEO:Asian. UNSAID {?a a FHEO:Race}} FHEO:Asian rdfs:subClassOf FHEO:Race. Describing Data [3/5] Asian Race FALSE AsianRace TRUE 7 / 34

8  Check whether any members aren’t members of parents Describing Data [4/5] SELECT (COUNT (?suball) AS ?total) (COUNT (?subonly) AS ?mismatch) ?class ?parent WHERE { ?class rdfs:subClassOf+ FHEO:Complaint. ?class rdfs:subClassOf ?parent. FILTER (?parent != FHEO:Complaint) { {?suball a ?class} UNION {?subonly a ?class. UNSAID{?subonly a ?parent} } GROUP BY ?class ?parent 8 / 34

9  Result table Describing Data [5/5] 9 / 34

10  Complaint with location information in FHEO FHEOFiling:entry13459 a FHEO:FamilialStatus ; FHEO:violation_county "Los Angeles County" ; FHEO:violation_state "California".  Other data source for location information ‒ Address services with various information US:Los_Angeles_CountyCalifornia a US:County ; rdfs:label "Los Angeles County, California" ; geo:lat "34.3871821"^^xsd:float ; geo:long "-228.1122679"^^xsd:float. Merging Data – FHEO [1/5] 34.39 -228.11 LA_County California LA County, California US:County label lat long entry13459 LA County California county state 10 / 34

11  Get combined name of county & state from complaint SELECT (fn:concat (?county, ", ", ?state) AS ?countyname) WHERE { ?complaint FHEOFiling:violation_county ?county. ?complaint FHEOFiling:violation_state ?state. }  Query for complaint with various location information SELECT ?countyname ?complaint ?lat ?long WHERE { {SELECT (fn:concat (?county, ", ", ?state) AS ?countyname) WHERE { ?complaint FHEO:violation_county ?county. ?complaint FHEO:violation_state ?state. } ?c rdfs:label ?countyname. ?c a US:County. ?c geo:lat ?lat. ?c geo:long ?long } Merging Data – FHEO [2/5] location information LA County California LA County, California 11 / 34

12  How many complaints occurred in each county Merging Data – FHEO [3/5] SELECT ?type (COUNT (?complaint) AS ?severity) ?countyname ?lat ?long WHERE { {SELECT ?type ?complaint (fn:concat (?county, ", ", ?state) AS ?countyname) WHERE { ?type rdfs:subClassOf+ FHEO:Complaint. ?complaint a ?type. ?complaint FHEO:violation_county ?county. ?complaint FHEO:violation_state ?state. } ?c rdfs:label ?countyname. ?c a US:County. ?c geo:lat ?lat. ?c geo:long ?long. } GROUP BY ?type ?countyname ?lat ?long HAVING (?severity > 300) location information 12 / 34

13  Result table of previous query Merging Data – FHEO [4/5] 13 / 34

14  Put result on a map Merging Data – FHEO [5/5] 14 / 34

15  Fundamental relationship in social networks  Simple observation for individuals to support social network ‒ Take control of own data ‒ Interact with other users  AAA principle ‒ Anyone can say Anything about Any topic ‒ Topics commonly related to about people ‒ Core FOAF description  Organization (people belong to)  Project (people work on)  Document (people create or describe)  Image (depict people) Friend of a Friend (FOAF) 15 / 34

16  Format for distributed description of people & relationship  Distributed person’s information across Web ‒ Basic information on own web page  About interest, current projects, images, etc. ‒ Further information available on other pages  Photo at party which is not listed on own page  Laboratory page for list of members FOAF Name A Age 25 Mail … A’s Web page Z lab’s member A B C Z lab’s Web page Picture with A on other Web page 16 / 34

17  Some things about people are true of other things ‒ Groups, organizations, etc.  General grouping of foaf:Agent FOAF – People & agents Agent PersonOrganization Group subClassOf gender, mbox, age, birthday, etc. famliyName, firstName, etc member 17 / 34

18  Essential thing about a person  Anything can have name, printable label foaf:name rdfs:domain owl:Thing. foaf:name rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label.  Parts of name are also needed foaf:firstName foaf:givenname foaf:family_name foaf:surname  Covering different cultures’ usage of name ‒ If 2 properties are used in same foaf:surname owl:equivalentProperty foaf:family_name. FOAF - Name 18 / 34

19  Since FOAF is used on the Web,  Many people will be used to describe internet communities ‒ foaf:aimChatID, foaf:icqChatID, foaf:msnChatID, etc.  subProperty of foaf:nick Nicknames and Online Names 19 / 34

20  foaf:homepage ‒ Relates a person to their homepage  foaf:wolkplaceHomepage ‒ The homepage of the worklplace of a person  foaf:workInfoHomepage ‒ The homepage of a person at their workplace  foaf:schoolHomepage ‒ The school that a foaf:Person attended  foaf:weblog ‒ The address of the web blog of a person Online Persona 20 / 34

21  Many people belong to special groups  Connected to a group with foaf:member  Group can be defined loosely  A number of properties that can describe foaf:Group ‒ Chat ID, a nickname, and e-mail box, a homepage, or even a blog  Group members to instance of a class ‒ Consider the members of a group as instances of a class ‒ FOAF provides a link from a group to a Class, called foaf:membershipClass Groups of People [1/2] 21 / 34

22  Define English Monarchy Group  Below can be inferred Groups of People [2/2] :English_Monarchy a foaf:Group ; foaf:name "English Monarchy" ; foaf:homepage "" ; foaf:member :William_I, :Henry_II, :Elizabeth_I, :Elizabeth_II. :English_Monarchy foaf:membershipClass :Monarch. :William_I a :Monarch. :Henry_II a :Monarch. :Elizabeth_I a :Monarch. :Elizabeth_II a :Monarch. 22 / 34

23  FOAF provides two properties ‒ foaf:made and foaf:maker Things People Make and Do foaf:made rdfs:domain foaf:Agent. foaf:made rdfs:range owl:Thing. foaf:maker rdfs:domain owl:Thing. foaf:maker rdfs:range foaf:Agent. foaf:made owl:inverseOf foaf:maker. foaf: Agent owl: Thing foaf:made foaf:maker 23 / 34

24  If someone else wants to contribution information about me, how will that person refer to me? ‒ RDF uses URIs  But not everyone has Facebook account  Is there any identifying marker that everyone on the Internet already has? ‒ E-mail address Identity in FOAF [1/3] 24 / 34

25  owl:InverseFunctionalProperty ‒ uniquely identifies an individual  foaf:mbox rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty.  Mailbox is unique identifier ‒ No other people uses same e-mail address  In addition, all chatId have owl:InverseFunctionalProperty Identity in FOAF [2/3] foaf:aimChatID rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. foaf:homepage rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. foaf:icqChatID rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. foaf:jabberID rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. foaf:msnChatID rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. foaf:weblog rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. foaf:yahooChatID rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. 25 / 34

26  To solve problem ‒ Using the foaf:mbox  Publishing someone’s e-mail address is considered a violation of privacy ‒ [foaf:mbox ""] ‒ Using hash function  [foaf:mbox_sha1sum "f964f2dfd4784fe9d68ada960099e0b592e16a95"] ‒ FOAF does not provide a standard way  foaf:aimChatID, foaf:yahooChatID Identity in FOAF [3/3] 26 / 34

27  FOAF provides a single property for this relationship foaf:knows  FOAF designers intentionally left out the assertion of foaf:knows as an owl:SymmetricProperty It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who You Know foaf:knows rdfs:domain foaf:Person. foaf:knows rdfs:range foaf:Person. foaf: Person foaf:knows 27 / 34

28  FOAF the longest, Facebook the largest social network  Open Graph Protocol (OGP) ‒ Allows to integrate with other web sites  Before OGP, only “Like” a page on Facebook  Expand to include pages that weren’t part of Facebook Facebook’s Open Graph Protocol 28 / 34

29  Very simple model allowing web page author to describe multiple things web pages describe  Properties to describe the things one might like ‒ Describe location (place names, latitude and longitude) ‒ Display purposes (image) ‒ Contact information (phone number, email, fax number) ‒ Identifier (UPC, ISBN, or URL)  Criticized for not adopting existing standards for theses things ‒ Ex. W3C already has a standard for geospatial models The OGP Model 29 / 34

30  Using the simple OGP model ‒ Web page author can describe what their page is about ‒ Still have to publish that information somehow  Easiest way is to embed description in web page itself  Use simplified version RDFa to encode OGP data in web page ‒ Put all OGP data into HTML tags in page header Embedding OGP in a Web Page 30 / 34

31 OGP Example: TechCrunch [1/2] 31 / 34

32 OGP Example: TechCrunch [2/2] 32 / 34

33  ‒ Project to make US government spending data available in RDF  FOAF ‒ Representation social network information short for “friend of a friend”  RDFa ‒ A system for embedding RDF data in a web page  OGP ‒ Lets Facebook users link to pages outside of Facebook Summary 33 / 34

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