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The Gray Tree Frog. Introduction This project is about the gray treefrog. We will be talking about its environment, habitat, what it looks like and defense.

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Presentation on theme: "The Gray Tree Frog. Introduction This project is about the gray treefrog. We will be talking about its environment, habitat, what it looks like and defense."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gray Tree Frog

2 Introduction This project is about the gray treefrog. We will be talking about its environment, habitat, what it looks like and defense mechanisms.

3 Appearance Adults are usually about 32-60mm in length. They are able to change color and because of that, they will appear as shades of gray, green, olive and brown. Almost all adults have a light spot below their eyes. It has a white belly and yellowish-orange markings on the inside of its hind legs. It had large adhesive pads on the end of its toes that allow it to climb trees.

4 Front and Back of a Tree Frog

5 Diet The treefrog eats mostly insects, spiders and other invertebrates.

6 Habitat The Gray Tree Frog is usually found in the Southern USA, but has also been found as far north as Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick. The gray tree frog is rarely found on the ground, but, thanks to its toe pads, climbs trees, shrubbery, grass, and even house walls to locate its food. The gray tree frog can be found in moist, deciduous (sometimes pine) forests and swamps. They will also be found in any standing body of water. It prefers to have overhead vegetation.

7 Habitat

8 Interesting Info The Gray Tree Frog has a trilly whistle that lasts for 1-2 seconds, and they call up to 700 times a hour. You will hear them whistling mostly in June during their mating season. Most are nocturnal and they have chameleon-like ability to change colour. This way they are more likely to be heard than to be seen, and are very hard to spot. They can match their surroundings perfectly. It usually takes them an hour to change their colour.

9 Conclusion We learned a lot of things about the Gray Tree Frog. Something we didn’t know was that this frog has the ability to change the colour of its skin to match its surroundings, just like a chameleon. We also learned that the female can lay between 700 and 3,800 eggs. This a very cool and interesting frog.

10 Bibliography /flora/repamp/GREYTREE.HTM or/main.htm We went to to get these.

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