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By: Chloe.  Tomato Frog  Dwarf Frog  Whites Tree Frog  Red Eyed Tree Frog  Poison Dart Frog  Yellow Poison Arrow Frog Poison Dart Frog Tomato Frog.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Chloe.  Tomato Frog  Dwarf Frog  Whites Tree Frog  Red Eyed Tree Frog  Poison Dart Frog  Yellow Poison Arrow Frog Poison Dart Frog Tomato Frog."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Chloe

2  Tomato Frog  Dwarf Frog  Whites Tree Frog  Red Eyed Tree Frog  Poison Dart Frog  Yellow Poison Arrow Frog Poison Dart Frog Tomato Frog Dwarf Frog Red Eyed Tree frog Whites Tree Frog Yellow Poison Dart Frog

3  First a egg  Second a tadpole can swim [no arms just tail]  Third have arms and legs [but still have tails]  Forth almost full grown  Fifth full grown


5  Frogs eat:  Dragon Flies,  Flies,  Butterflies,  Small fish and  Grass hoppers

6  The smallest frog is smaller then a finger nail!  The second smallest frog is smaller then a dime!

7 1. What is the size of the smallest frog? A. Bigger than Blue whale B. Smaller than a dime C. Can fit on a finger nail 2. What come after frogs hatch from eggs? A. They die B. Tadpoles [have no arms] C. They are full grown Answers on the next page

8 1. Answer : C. 2. Answer : B:

9  Answer: C.

10    http://blog.scienceinsociety.northwestern.ed u/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/tiny-frog-on- dime http://blog.scienceinsociety.northwestern.ed u/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/tiny-frog-on- dime  6.jpg 6.jpg


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