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World Civilizations Mrs. Peebles classes.  Imagine you are an explorer and you have decided to create your own country.  What would it look like? Is.

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Presentation on theme: "World Civilizations Mrs. Peebles classes.  Imagine you are an explorer and you have decided to create your own country.  What would it look like? Is."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Civilizations Mrs. Peebles classes

2  Imagine you are an explorer and you have decided to create your own country.  What would it look like? Is it an island, or is it landlocked?  Is it tropical or a desert?  What kind of government does it have?  Think of these things when deciding on your theme.

3  Each country will have a theme that you must abide by through out the project.  For example: Basketball, Soccer, Football Theater Music Hobbies Friends

4  Design the map to represent your theme.  For example, if your country’s theme is basketball, draw it like a basketball. If it is music, draw it like a musical note.  Each map must consist of the following items: A name A capital 5 states or provinces, each with a name and capital A mountain range 2 rivers 2 lakes

5  Each country must have an original flag that corresponds with the theme.  This MUST be on a separate piece of paper.

6  What kind of country is it?  A democracy with rights  A dictatorship, where the leader makes all the laws  A theocracy, where the laws are based on spiritual matters

7  You must include a list of rights that everyone in your country receives.  They can go with your theme to get creativity points or they can go with which type of government you have chosen  Remember… Unless you are a dictator, your rights must be fair and equal to all citizens.  Be original with your rights.  This too must be on a separate piece of paper.

8  The mapup to 50 points  The flagup to 30 points  The Bill of Rightsup to 30 points  Creativity/originalityup to 15 points  Due Date: February 14 and 15  Any projects turned in after this date will lose 10% per week.


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