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*Refer to Chapter 11 in your Textbook. Learning Goals: 1. I can differentiate between the various types of ocean currents. 2. I can describe the effect.

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Presentation on theme: "*Refer to Chapter 11 in your Textbook. Learning Goals: 1. I can differentiate between the various types of ocean currents. 2. I can describe the effect."— Presentation transcript:

1 *Refer to Chapter 11 in your Textbook

2 Learning Goals: 1. I can differentiate between the various types of ocean currents. 2. I can describe the effect of coriolis on ocean currents.

3 Currents “Rivers of the sea” 2 types: 1. Surface Currents (10% of all currents) Approx 0-400 m (1,300 ft) depth Driven by horizontal wind circulation 2. Deep Currents (90% of all currents) Driven by vertical thermohaline circulation Thermo = temp, haline = salt

4 Surface Currents Map

5 Normal Sea Surface Temperature:

6 SST without Currents:

7 Surface Boundary Currents: Eastern Cold Wide Shallow Slow Western Warm Narrow Deep Fast

8 Gyres Gyre is a large circular flow of ocean water, or current located in each ocean basin 5 major: NAtlantic SAtlantic NPacific SPacific Indian

9 Coriolis Coriolis is the effect of Earth’s rotation (the apparent deflection) on moving objects Clockwise in the Northern hemisphere Counterclockwise in the Southern hemisphere

10 Temporary Surface Currents: Some surface currents occur temporarily because of wind and the topography of the beach/ocean floor: 1. Longshore Currents 2. Rip Currents 3. Upwelling Currents

11 Temporary Surface Currents: Longshore currents occur parallel to shore because of waves Can be harmful to beaches by causing erosion

12 Temporary Surface Currents: Rip currents occur perpendicular to shore because of wind, waves, and other currents Can be dangerous by pulling you out to sea

13 Temporary Surface Currents: Upwelling currents occur due to the rising of cold, nutrient rich water This is very important to coastal ecosystem productivity

14 Deep Ocean Currents: Density controls deep ocean currents Colder temp + Higher Salinity = Greater Density Global Conveyer Belt A system of deep ocean currents that connects all of the world’s ocean basins

15 Global Conveyer Belt:

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