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Weather-based Disease Risk Assessment in Turf Review unique aspects of turf environment Discuss attempts to develop WB systems for turf Describe system.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather-based Disease Risk Assessment in Turf Review unique aspects of turf environment Discuss attempts to develop WB systems for turf Describe system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather-based Disease Risk Assessment in Turf Review unique aspects of turf environment Discuss attempts to develop WB systems for turf Describe system used in Indiana / Midwest R. Latin Purdue University

2 Interesting aspects of the turf “environment”... 1. Agronomics... No measureable yield Genetics Cultural options

3 Interesting aspects of the turf “environment”... 2. Economics... Fungicides are expensive Supers spend other peoples’ money Turf grows back!

4 Connecting the dots between environmental variables and turf disease...

5 Gray leaf spot Pink snow mold Dollar spot Brown patch Summer patch Pythium blight Anthracnose

6 Published works describing the use of temperature and moisture variables to predict disease outbreaks* Dollar spot Pythium blight Rhizoctonia blight Anthracnose Gray leaf spot Pink snow mold Summer patch Hall, 1984 (Temp / RH) Smith, 2009 (Temp / moisture) Nutter, 1983 (Temp / LW) Fidanza, 1995 (Temp / RH) Gross, 1998 (Temp / LW) Schumann, 1994 (Temp / RH / Precip) Danneberger, 1984 (Temp / LW) Uddin, 2004 (Temp / LW) Dwyer, 2003 (Temp / M) Anonymous, 1995 (Temp)

7 Data Processor Environmental Data Precip. Hours wetness RH Temp Y = a + b 1 T +b 2 W … Daily Disease Risk Components of Disease Forecasters

8 Examples of on-site data acquisition instruments

9 Environmental data resources… Precip Hours Dew RH Air Temp

10 Data Processor Environmental Data Precip. Hours wetness RH Temp Y = a + b 1 T +b 2 W … Daily Disease Risk Components of Disease Forecasters

11 Weather-based models may be rushed to publication without adequate testing!

12 Environmental risk is based on daily relative humidity and minimum temperatures. To calculate the E-value for a 24 hour period, substitute values for average relative humidity (RH) and daily minimum temperature in degrees Celsius (T) in the equation below: E = -21.5 + 0.15(RH) + 1.4(T) - 0.033(T 2 ) Risk is high if E ≥ 6.0 Brown patch decision rule: E-value Advantages: Convenience 3-5 day forecast Disadvatage: Underestimates risk

13 Data source: SkyBit Algorithms: brown patch / Fidanza (T/RH) Gross (T/LW) Pythium blight / Nutter (T/LW) dollar spot / Purdue (T/LW) Delivery: application server / website

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