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Jade Huffman Kerry Litwinski

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Presentation on theme: "Jade Huffman Kerry Litwinski"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jade Huffman Kerry Litwinski
Focus on Form Jade Huffman Kerry Litwinski

2 Grammar in the Classroom
How would you or will you teach grammar in the classroom? Do you think grammar instruction helps learners gain competence and proficiency in the target language? What role should grammar instruction play in the classroom?

3 The third person singular – add the ‘s’ at the end of the verb.
Example #1 The third person singular – add the ‘s’ at the end of the verb. I run. You run. He/She runs. We run. They run.

4 Past Methods Focus on Forms Grammar instruction is necessary for a
students to achieve proficiency. ~ Explicit ~ Direct Method

5 Example #2 The dog runs after the ball as the boy watches him. I take a picture of the boy. My dad reads the newspaper as my mom washes the clothing. They get ready for work. After, we go to the store. Now write a paragraph about your day.

6 Past Methods Con’t Focus on Meaning
Grammar is unnecessary in the classroom. Students will learn everything they need through exposure. ~ Implicit ~ Natural Way

7 Grammar Instruction Today!
Communicative Language Teaching: Task-Based Learning Some grammar instruction is necessary. ~ both Implicit and Explicit ~ Focus on Form!

8 Give us YOUR Examples! Have you ever dealt with a Focus on Form classroom? Have you ever seen this and how… Field Placement? High School Classroom? University Classroom? Study Abroad? Somewhere else?

9 Example #1 Students are writing a compare/contrast essay about a famous person from a L2 country and the United States. When you receive their essay you realize that the students are having hard time using the comparative form, so you take a few minutes out of class to explicitly explain comparatives. Comparison, Culture, Communication, Connection– C’s! Comparative Form as grammar focus Error Correction, Input, CONTEXTUALIZATION

10 Class Discussion What are some other focus points that may need to be addressed in a contextualized lesson? AKA – is it only grammar?

11 Example #2 Students are giving a lesson on the symbolic meaning of food. The teacher is taking notes on the fact that students are pronouncing a particular sound incorrectly in their speaking. At the end of the class period, the teacher briefly gives a pronunciation lesson on the common error. Communication, Connection, Culture – C’s Error Correction – When? How?, Interaction CONTEXTUALIZATION Input/Output – Student Production, Teacher Lesson

12 Final Activity (Yes!) Rubric
Who: Groups of 3 or 4 in any language What: You will receive scenarios from us – your wonderful instructors about contextualized teaching. You decide how to teach it and present it to the class. Why: Because you may just decide to teach this way someday How: You decide! Where: In this classroom, right now.

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