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Construction Leadership
The Basics – Part 5 Leadership Styles
Important notes: Student presentations are Monday Feb 9th and Wednesday Feb 11th . No Class on Feb 16th… President’s Holiday Test 1 is for CVE 4074 is Feb 18th… study guide handout in class on Feb 9 & 11. All (A&B groups) attend test session in this room. Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
My Style Locurcio’s Top-10
Listen carefully… often… and accept advice Big picture… vision… then empower subordinates Do not micromanage… but monitor progress Watch critical factors for success… 80/20 rule Be friendly… a magnet… but not first name Be professional… and expect excellence Make people feel important & appreciated… be fair Reward success and risk… take care of your people Be enthusiastic… make work fun!! Theory Y… laissez faire… but always get the job done! Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
What’s your leadership style?
At periods 7&8 volunteer students will give a short (3-5 min) presentation of their leadership style: How do you get people to accomplish your goals when you are in charge? What are the key elements of your leadership style? Consider your personality, workers, and other factors we have talked about. Talk about your personal experiences; your best or worst leadership experience Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Delivery Techniques Step up and speak with confidence & authority
Establish contact with audience before speaking Maintain eye contact with your audience Sound extemporaneous… not reading or memorized Use only one 3x5 card for notes Avoid annoying pauses: ah, eh, so, well, etc. Separate ideas… don’t run them together Have good posture, don’t lean or cross legs No distractions like coins, pencils, cell phones Speak loudly & clearly Dress appropriately Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Still need 5 volunteers for student presentation
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Leader’s Communication Goals
Deliver a clear picture of the task Deliver or develop a clear plan of action Make people feel important Show you value employees & their ability Be a good listener, consider other’s views Be sympathetic to ideas & needs Be sincere & fair with everyone Give plenty of praise & encouragement Establish balance & maintain relationships Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Leadership Styles McGregor’s Theory X & Y
Blake & Mouton’s Managerial Grid Blanchard & Hershey’s Situational leadership Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Motivation & Leadership Theories
Edgar Shein – Four Concepts Elton Mayo – Social School Abraham Maslow – Hierarchy of Needs Chris Argyris – Human Nature Douglas McGregor – Theory X & Y Blanchard – Situational Leadership Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Human Relations Management
Replaces industrial top down methods Considers work conditions and worker relationships Productivity related to worker satisfaction Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Edgar Shein’s Four Concepts*
Man is motivated by economic incentives. Managers control incentives & employees. “Irrational” worker feelings interfere with “rational” work and incentives. Organizations should be designed to neutralize “irrational” behavior. *“Organizational Psychology” Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Elton Mayo – Social School
Man is a social being who seeks identity through relationships. If work becomes meaningless man relies on social contact for identity. Man is more responsive to peer relations than management. Man will respond if management meets his social needs. *Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Abraham Maslow – Man & Needs
Man is motivated by a hierarchy of needs. The most basic needs govern motivation. Once a need is satisfied it is no longer a motivator. Needs & motivation vary with situation & role: home, work, social Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Chris Argyris* – Affirms Maslow
Maslow’s hierarchy is correct. Man is primarily self-motivated. Man seeks responsibility and mature work relationships. Self-actualization and peak performance are possible. * Personality & Organization Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Styles of Leadership McGregor – Theory X & Y
Blake & Mouton – Managerial Grid Blanchard – Situational Leadership Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
McGregor* – Theory of Leadership
Two basic styles of leadership Theory X – autocratic style Theory Y – laissez faire style * The Human Side of Enterprise Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
McGregor* – Theory X Leaders
The “autocratic” or “industrial” style Leader assumes: Humans dislike work & will avoid work People must be directed & controlled The average person has little ambition Safety is the primary human driver People must be coerced to achieve goals. * The Human Side of Enterprise Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
McGregor* – Theory Y Leaders
Called the “permissive” style Leader assumes: Work is as natural as play People work if committed to the goal Commitment is related to rewards People can learn to take responsibility Workers have high capacity for innovation Current (industrial) organizations stifle intellectual capacity * The Human Side of Enterprise Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Frederick Herzberg Herzberg developed a list of factors related to the basic things that people want from work . He divided these factors into “Motivators” and “Hygiene” needs. He said, you cannot use Motivators until all the Hygiene factors are met. Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Hygiene Factors* Working conditions Administrative practices
Salary and Benefits Supervision Status Job security Fellow workers Personal life *Hygiene factors must be present in the job before motivators can be used to stimulate that person. Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Motivators or Satisfiers*
Recognition Achievement Advancement Growth Responsibility Job challenge *Herzberg coined the term "job enrichment" to describe the process of redesigning work in order to build in Motivators. Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Motivation Exercise Results
- Interesting jobs - Good salary – Achievement/advancement - Job security - Good working conditions - Good relations with boss - Job status, a title - Recognition for your work - Support for personal life - Constructive criticism M H Hygiene Factors Motivators Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Putting it all together w/Mazlow
1-Basic Physiological 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love 4-Esteem & Respect 5-Self 5-Self 4-Esteem Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Add McGregor’s Theory X & Y…
1-Basic Physiological 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love 4-Esteem & Respect 5-Self Theory Y 5-Self 4-Esteem Theory X Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Add Herzberg’s Factors…
1-Basic Physiological 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love 4-Esteem & Respect 5-Self Motivators Theory Y 5-Self 4-Esteem Hygiene Factors Theory X Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Locurcio’s 60% of Potential…
1-Basic Physiological 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love 4-Esteem & Respect 5-Self Motivators Theory Y 5-Self 4-Esteem 60% Hygiene Factors Theory X Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
It’s all related! 60% Motivators Theory Y 5-Self 5-Self 4-Esteem &
11 - Interesting jobs 6 - Achievement 6 - Advancement 3 – Working conditions 2 - Relations with boss 2 - Recognition 2 - Personal life 2 - Job security 1 - Job status 0 - Criticism 1-Basic Physiological 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love 4-Esteem & Respect 5-Self Motivators Theory Y 5-Self 4-Esteem 60% Hygiene Factors Theory X Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Robert Blake & Jane Mouton
Their study of managerial behavior concluded that: Authoritarian (X) and democratic (Y) styles are different dimensions of leadership behavior Managerial behaviour can be explained in terms of concern for task vs. concern for people Different styles could be depicted in the form of a managerial grid Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Robert Blake & Jane Mouton
Used these as the axes for their grid: Concern for production (e.g. task behaviour) employee productivity number of products sold number of items processed in a given time Concern for people (e.g. human factors) personal commitment job satisfaction equitable working From two dimensions, five leadership styles are identifiable Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Managerial Grid Concern for people Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Concern for people… Impoverished management (1:1 style)
Exertion of minimum effort to get required work done as appropriate to sustain organization membership. Country club management (1:9 style) Thoughtful attention to needs of people for satisfying relationships leads to comfortable, friendly atmosphere and work tempo. Pure Y Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Concern for production…
Authority & obedience (9:1 style) Efficiency in operating results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree Organization man (5:5 style) Adequate organizational performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get work done with maintaining the morale of people at a satisfactory level. . Pure X Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
The ideal… Team management (9:9 style)
Work accomplished by committed people; Workers are interdependent Workers have a common stake in organization Workers have a common stake in task or purpose Leads to relationships of trust & respect. Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Managerial Grid Concern for people Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
* Kenneth Blanchard & Paul Hershey Follower’s capabilities
Situational Leadership Model*… * Kenneth Blanchard & Paul Hershey Hi Relationship Participating Selling Delegating Telling Low Relationship Low Task Hi Task Able willing, secure Able but insecure Willing but unable Unable, unwilling insecure Follower’s capabilities Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
The Basic Concept… Leadership style is based on task vs. relationship behavior. Four basic leadership styles emerge: telling, selling, participating, delegating. The correct leadership style depends on the situation. Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
* Paul Hershey & Kenneth Blanchard
Leadership Styles… Hi Relationship Participating Selling Low Relationship Delegating Telling Low Task Hi Task * Paul Hershey & Kenneth Blanchard Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Consider Follower Readiness…
As the level of maturity or skill of the follower increases, the leader should begin to reduce task behavior and increase relationship behavior. Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Four Modes of Maturity…
Unable, insecure Unable, but confident Able, but insecure to go it alone Able, willing, secure & confident Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Choosing the Correct Style…
Hi Relationship Participating Selling Delegating Telling Low Relationship Low Task Hi Task Able and secure Able but insecure Unable but confident Unable, insecure Follower’s capabilities Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Presentations Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Closing thoughts… Monday + Wednesday – Presentations
Study Guide for Test 1 February 18 Test 1 – The Basics Leadership Styles Paper – Feb 23 & 25 Pick up your HW #1 papers Leadership Part II - Organizations Organizational Dynamics Directives Decision making Change management Book reports begin Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
That’s it… this party’s over!
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Your Results vs. Herzberg
Job challenge Advancement Achievement Growth Responsibility Recognition Working conditions Administrative practices Salary and Benefits Supervision Status Job security Fellow workers Personal life 15 - Interesting jobs 13 - Good salary/advancement 5 - Achievement 5 - Support for personal life 2 - Job security 1 - Job status 0 - Constructive criticism 0 - Good relations with boss 7 – Good working conditions 3 - Recognition Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
The road to great leadership
Inspire a shared vision – Next, share your vision in words that can be understood and remembered by your followers. Challenge the process - First, find a process that you believe needs to be improved the most. Model the way - When the process gets tough, get your hands dirty. A boss tells others what to do...a leader shows it can be done. Enable others to act - Give them the tools and methods to solve the problem. Encourage the heart - Share the glory with your followers' heart, keep the pains in your heart. Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Maslow, McGregor & Herzberg
Herzberg's theory is a micro version of Maslow's theory (concentrated in the work place). McGregor's Theory X is based on workers caught in the lower levels (1 to 3) of Maslow's theory while his Theory Y is for workers who have gone above level 3. McGregor's Theory X is based on workers caught in Herzberg's Hygiene or Dissatisfies, while Theory Y is based on motivating factors. Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
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